Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm back.

Esther, my 101 year old friend died 2 weeks ago. She was sad to see me leave Michigan, because we had become such good friends over the past few years that I visited her almost weekly. And I was not happy about leaving her. So.......... I decided to write to her almost every day, and when I had four pages of STUFF, I would post the letter. I'm sure at one time she received 2 letters at once, because the postal person failed to pick up a letter on Saturday and I had another by Monday. That explains why I haven't blogged in a while. All my thoughts went into the love I sent by snail mail to my wonderful friend. We did talk once by phone, and she said " well Virginia, I never knew you were such a competent amusing letter writer". [I never had a reason to stick pen to paper before.] Esther used to be quite the letter writer herself, until last year. She even wrote to prisoners! I'll miss you Mary Esther Sweeney 3-9-09 to 8-10-10

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