Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A lot has changed..................

I'm back.............a lot has changed [TJ turned 3 April 1 2013] and a lot has stayed the same [I'm in the same apt], since I last blogged [July 2012].  Not sure why I stopped blogging, but here I am again.  Tom, TJ and I are going to look at RVs today.  I have been thinking a lot about my future.  What do I want to do when TJ is in school [Sept 2015] full time? With my Michigan house selling this year in Dec., Where will I be able to afford to live? $826. a month from SS won't cover rent [$700.], gasoline [$100.] car insurance [$50.], food, utilities and necessities. I applied to live in a Senior Housing Apt, but there is a 2 1/2 year wait.  The government charges 1/3 of your income for a 1 bedroom apt.  I like the idea of living in a community of seniors......more people to play cards with. Will Mack go to college near me and take up residence in chateau GG? I do know that I haven't lived my life to the fullest. Most of reason for that was fear and or comfort and or laziness.  I was too lazy/afraid to go to college.  I was too afraid to move away from my family/support. Pretty much I've been too lazy to do mush of anything.  Thank goodness, I had the motivation and wherewithal to help raise my two awesome grandsons, so I don't think my life was a total waste of resources.

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