Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Jim was born on a beautiful day in February. The 24th was warm and sunny. A great day to enter the world. I marveled at how wonderful my 23 year old daughter [Dee] was at labor and delivery. It seemed like she went to Kmart, chose a son and settled right in to being a new mommy. Lucky Jim . Birthing children seemed like a life shattering alteration to my equilibrium. I didn't know it then but it was post-partum depression. Mommy blues. I [19]was Navy blue for two years after my first born [Tim] and only one year for my [23] second [last] child [Dee]. Now I watch very carefully for symptoms of Baby Blues in the next generation. The blues robbed me of some of the joy of having children. It was easier the second time because I knew that I would eventually regain my center.

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