Friday, June 25, 2010

Who says.............

Who says that babies DON'T come with instructions.............

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA............................ I'm hungry!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.............................I'm wet!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..............................I'm poopy!
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..............................I'm tired!
WWWWWWWAAAAAA...........................I'm full of gas! The worst.

Ann found that when she switched to reduced LACTOSE formula, all the unexplained crying went away. Today Ann tried spoon feeding TJ rice cereal with great success. He's laughing and has more control over his hands. SOOOOOOOO SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My sister

My younger sister [Tina] just had her first grandchild 2 months before TJ was born. She is also "Granny Nanny" to her granddaughter. We shared 'child rearing' and now we share ' grandchild care'. Tina [Oma] quite a rewarding job to 'day care' Nina. Nina was due 4 weeks before TJ but, was born early. While Tina has a husband to minister to also, I am divorced, in a new state - NC, and live right next door to my son - father of TJ. My every moment is devoted to TJ, my Michigan family, Lily my dog, garage sales and watering plants. I wish Tina were physically closer, but email, texting, and cell phone pictures keep us connected. Tina is the woman I would most like to be like. She is 5 years younger and 5 years more liberated than I am/was. Tina doesn't have a mean bone in her body and wisdom that makes life easier to handle. She is my Dr. Laura, Dr Phil, Dr. Schweitzer and Dr. Spock all in a female body. Nature, environment and family are important to her. I hope she is as happy taking care of her 'Nina" as I am taking care of 'TJ'. I love you, Tina!

Monday, June 21, 2010

TJ fell asleep sitting in an upright position on the couch this morning. He had had a bottle @ 5:30 am and was awake when I arrived @ 7:00 am. He played and pooped till 7:45; diaper changed, I sat him on the couch [supported by pillows] with me in front of him on the floor. I started playing classical music for his AM nap last wee; so I turned on the computer to listen to music with him and he fell asleep SITTING UP. I laid him on his side and continued the music. Classical is not the only choice of music; I sing to TJ, listen to kids songs [Addams Family Theme is a good one] and even play some rock & Johnny Cash [Walk the line, Ring of fire and my favorite "Ghost Riders in the sky"] When my own mother was singing, I knew that she was in a good mood. Music separates us from other animals [other animals dance]. Music and singing are good for the soul, used for therapy, helps us remember things and elevates us from other mammals. SO Sing -be happy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't know.

When I sit down to write my blog, sometimes I don't know what I'm going to write today. I was going to force myself to write Tuesday (I didn't feel like blogging), but the computer was dizzy. I didn't write yesterday, because Ann had the day off.......which left no time to sit at her computer [I don't have one.....I left it in Michigan with my very smart, handsome, kind, wonderful (I miss him) grandson, Jim. I love my new job of taking care of 2 month old TJ, but I wish Jim was here to kiss and hug and tell him how proud of him I am. Texting helps ease the ache [talking on the phone to Jim makes me cry]. I am proud of both my children. They are sunshine to me. It feels like I will live forever, because my genes/DNA are in my children and grandchildren and hopefully great grandchildren. I have no idea what it feels like to be childless. So I can't say that offspring wouldn't matter. And asking a childless adult the question, would be like eating a great dinner and telling someone that they would ABSOLUTELY love it. We're all different and it would be a boring world to be if we weren't. I think immortally is having heirs.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Over Tired.

Why won't babies just fall asleep like a kitten does when it's tired???? Watch a kitten play, play, play and then just like you turned off a conks out - like a light. Babies cry for EVERYTHING wet, hungry, gas, mad at having to stop eating to burp, etc. All those are EASY to fix. But the worst crying is an overtired cry. There is no simple answer to solving the problem and often comforting the baby seems to make a bad situation worse. They are determined to NOT fall asleep even though that is precisely what they need. TJ was crying and crying and Tim was frustrated that everything he thought the baby wanted, didn't stop the crying. I'm pretty sure he thought, if the kid is tired - soothing him will make him fall asleep. Nope. I noticed that there was a slight whine in the crying ans figured out what was wrong........... Over Tired. So with a pacifier, blanket, soothing music, TJ was put in his favorite swing and soon fell asleep. I know this is not rocket science, but these new parents are Very used to a baby that cries ONLY when he need the above items. A little experience helped to make a frustrating situation - easier. Learn something new EVERYDAY.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A step back...........

It's Friday again already. TJ had a 2 month check up/shots on Monday; Ann took off work to take him and I dragged me and the diaper bag along. Tuesday Ann called into work ill, [tummy trouble] Wednesday was a scheduled day off; which brings us to Thursday. I was anti-blog Thursday, but as you can see I'm blogging today. Everyday starts off at 5:30 AM; shoes on, leash Lily and were off for a hour enjoying the cool NC morning and watching the sun rise. We do this for physical and mental health [well my mental health, I think Lily's mental is good.] It's a bit of a drag getting up so early, but I go to bed earlier; what's to do after 9pm anyway? Back to Monday....TJ was in the 90% for weight, 50% for length, and 30% for head circumference. He rolled onto his side just when doc said " be careful, babies will surprise you." It looked scripted. TJ [Hoover] was up to 8 ozs of formula, but a large amount would be returned. Since he is 90% in weight, we are going back to 4 ozs with rice at a slower pace to see if that will keep the cost of formula down. So far it's working!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Here are my ramblings about my first two days as TJ's Granny Nanny; as you may have read, every time TJ cried Thursday I unsuccessfully stuck a bottle in his mouth; two ounces in - one ounce back on GG. Friday I was determined to see if anything was wrong BEFORE I offered dinner. Food was going to be the LAST thing on a long list of other possibilities.......wet, hot, cold, gassy, burp caught sideways, sleepy etc. Friday was a LONG day trying to play -"Guess what's wrong with the Baby" Game and I hate to admit using the plug [pacifier] more than I like/want to. TJ doesn't fuss unless s o m e t h i n g is wrong. On a positive note meals were 4-5 oz instead of 2. But still, why does so much milk EXIT from the orifice that is supposed to be a one way street? If we can put a man on the moon........?????? Can someone PLEASE figure out a way to prevent GURPS [burps with milk in them]. I know; compared to night feedings, colic, and toxic poopy diapers, GURPS are a minor inconvenience. On a gooshy note, TJ touched his Mama's face on purpose Friday and looked straight into her eyes......she melted. Sat AM TJ's parents are biking. I'm over till Ann gets home..........then Garage sales!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Day Granny Nanny

Well you're probably wondering how my very first day of grandson care is going. It's 3:31 pm Tim comes home first @ 4pm. Now remember that I didn't have baby grandson Jim until his Dee went back to work when he was 6 1/2 months old. And remember that was 14 years ago and I was 46 - a VERY YOUNG grandma. I must admit I've had two weeks to practice baby care with TJ but, today was my inaugural to 6 years of granny nanny - I failed at two crying secessions [this morning]. What I thought was hunger both times, turned out to be a overheated baby from the stroller and a wet baby [commando style]. Milk that is not really needed/wanted ends right back on my clothes. The rest of the day was awesome... I managed to guess the next two and only crying jags as hunger wooohooo. I have the best job in the whole world. It pays in smiles and cooing right now, which is way more precious than money.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Everyday is a learning lesson. Just like a newborn who changes everyday, so are children, teens, and adults learning daily. If you are NOT learning, you are not growing. If you are not growing, then you might as well be 6 feet under. Life is for loving and growing [learning]. At 60 years old, I'm still amazed by thing things I learn. Today is Ann's last day home with TJ before she goes back to work. It will be hard for her, but her family depends on her earning power. As much as she would love to stay home with her bundle of joy, her brain is starting to turn to mush; poop, formula, spitting up, diaper rash, mild colic, diaper changes, night time feedings, etc are not stimulating mentally. Ann is intelligent and any employer would be better off if she chose to work for them. Here's to challenges!