Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Everyday is a learning lesson. Just like a newborn who changes everyday, so are children, teens, and adults learning daily. If you are NOT learning, you are not growing. If you are not growing, then you might as well be 6 feet under. Life is for loving and growing [learning]. At 60 years old, I'm still amazed by thing things I learn. Today is Ann's last day home with TJ before she goes back to work. It will be hard for her, but her family depends on her earning power. As much as she would love to stay home with her bundle of joy, her brain is starting to turn to mush; poop, formula, spitting up, diaper rash, mild colic, diaper changes, night time feedings, etc are not stimulating mentally. Ann is intelligent and any employer would be better off if she chose to work for them. Here's to challenges!

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