Sunday, February 27, 2011

Page 4) 4-21-98

Mama leaves for work and you stand at the door yelling "Mama- come back".
'Helped' Grandmas dig a garden at Uncle Tim's [2135 Hanford, LP MI 48146] and plant seeds.
This is a game we play:
Who loves you? ....................................Mom
" " " .....................................Grandmas
" " " ...................................... Uncle Tim
" " " ......................................Great
" " " ........................................Aunt Katrina
" " " .........................................Rekha
" " " .........................................Devin
" " " .........................................Papa
on and on.
A small bird hit the stroller as I was pushing you and Kelli home from the park. It landed on the grass and died within a minute. I picked it up and let you and Kelli hold it. I said " It's broken"

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