Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I've been too lazy lately to post. Still covered with red marks where I chiggered. Chiggers haven't stopped me from gardening, but you should see all the precautions I take. Long sleeves, jeans, long socks and boots. Then I spray everything with industrial bug spray. After gardening, I strip off everything in front of the wash machine and run to take a shower. And chiggers are NOT the worst of bugs..... ticks, black widow and brown recluse spiders. Made me shiver just to type them. On to more tame thoughts-things. I joined 'weight watchers' Saturday. I'm NOT giving up dark chocolate or ice cream. I'm just learning how to portion control with their new "PointsPlus" program. This is not a diet...it's a way of life if you [me] want to be a normal size. My goal is to wear size 12 jeans again. And I like getting out of the house to meet people with a common goal. So far so good. I'm thinking it should take 8 months to lose 40 lbs. That will be my 'Christmas' present to me and my family. Just for the record - I gained all 40 lbs AFTER I turned 57. I was 126 average in high school and 135 most of my adult life. One time when I was 30 I weighed 100 lbs. { Brain surgery}. I did top 156 after Tim's birth. Then I lost a few lbs before getting pregnant with Dee. Enough about me. TJ is awesome. Toddles like a champ. Every other word out of his mouth is 'ball'. He is quite good at repeating words. He likes to hear familiar songs on Barney.

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