Sunday, May 6, 2012

Page 18) 12-8-98

You asked to see Santa, so we took you. We asked you what you would ask Santa for Xmas. "Gordon". Gordon is a train engine from 'Thomas the Tank Engine'. You are train crazy. It is so nice to see you like something very very much.
Today we went to 'Greenfield Village' and you charmed everyone you talked to. You are a very wonderful, delightful boy. You want to 'wrestle' with GG; so we do. Also chasing GG around the house is a favorite game. Sometimes I hide, but you like that too...........Boo!
You like 'Babe' the movie and pig toys. We were at the library last week and picked out a pink pig puppet and asked me if you could take it home. I said "I don't know, we will have to ask the woman at the desk" When we were checking out the books, you [with the puppet on your hand], said to the woman, " please, may I take the pig home?" "yes, the puppet has a check out card". You understand that the puppet goes back to the library. You asked me a couple days later if you could have the frog when the pig goes back.
You also like the 'Little Rascals' especially baby 'Spanky'.
You know all your letters well. Today you saw, spelled and understood your first word 'OPEN'. It was on a store [door]. You are 2 3/4 yrs old.
We went to a children's play, music, dance tonight in Wyandotte. You loved it! 80 kids singing and dancing from 3-4 to 18 yrs old. You didn't want to go home. I took you looking at x-mas lights.
My special boy. You are so clever. Kenzie,...... " a freight train, a freight train, a freight train. Oh! the shame of it" .... from 'Thomas the Tank Engine; Gordon [the big blue engine] talking.
You are trying very hard to use the correct words in sentences; I am, you are, and they do; You're not even three yet!
I remembered [from last x-mas] you were awed by the 5 year old boys [2] singing about cars and girls. You couldn't take you eyes off the 10 girls in their gold red and green shiny dresses. "I want to see it again, GG".
We went to see Santa again [you asked to] last Friday at Henry Ford Museum.
Santa to you, "what do you want for x-mas?" Kenzie, "Gordon".

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