Friday, October 12, 2012

Two and a half

TJ was officially 2 1/2 October 1st.  Many things are the to be expected, many things are different.  A noticeable change is the new game of resisting getting into the car seat.  Ditto - the getting into the car.  Torin loves to carry a bag around with some of his toys in it.  We [TJ] were talking to a neighbor outside her house today, and TJ started to tell her to 'go inside'.  Reminds me of my other grandson.  They are not too fond of sharing GG.  I told him later it was rude and not to say it again.  I don't expect my little guy to be perfect.....many adults drink and drive....knowing full well the consequences. TJ doesn't like the 'play room' at the YMCA.  "I'll be sad".  Potty training is more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  Torin is able to move the mouse/curser and left click.  Today we started click and drag.  He seems more excited to go to 'story time' at the library and is doing a great job of self play/pretend.  TJ is a joy!

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