Saturday, August 18, 2012


Being with TJ is such a delight.  TJ loves beads.  He decided to put a few beads into the silo attached to his toy farm.  GG says, " good idea TJ, the beads can be pretend corn.  That is what farmers put into their silos to feed the animals in the winter."  Which led to a discussion of storing food in winter when plants can't grow. Which led to what happens in spring that starts the cycle of plowing, planting, growing, harvesting, and back to storing.  Every single moment has a learning/teaching component to it.
Lily sat next to TJ when he was sitting in front of his play table.  TJ put his closest arm around sweet.  [He really loves to tease Lily]. Taking Lily for a walk is one of TJ's favorite things to do.  If the leash is in his 'left' hand, TJ says 'left hand'. 'Right hand' if the leash changes hands.  If he drops the leash, he knows to run and step on the leash to stop Lily. 
TJ is amazing, smart, loving, verbal, joyful, physical, and cute.

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