Saturday, September 8, 2012

"What is that called?"

This week was a big step in growing up for TJ.  While I was rubbing my dog's tummy, TJ was helping.  He spotted her nipples and asked, " what is that called?" At 2 1/2 years old, he asked his first question.  TJ has been talking since just after one year old and now has a very impressive vocabulary.  Although he has trouble saying 'three', he says 'free'.... like two, free, four, five.  He can say thumb, this, that, etc. TJ tackles any 3-4-5 syllable words easily.  He free plays very well. And is good at pretend.  But...curiosity and a need to grasp an understanding of his world, led him to his first question. While holding a very small pine cone, TJ's asked his second question a day later, "what is this called?' [He has very large pine cones in his yard].  TJ is good at calling you out on an execration.  He tossed a metal toy truck in my direction.  It hit my knee [I was on the floor with him] and I wanted him to realize he could hurt someone, so I embellished my cry. OOOOOOUUUCCCCHHH I yelled.  He looked suitably remorseful. I asked for and received an apology, "sorry I hurt your knee GG". I was sure I got the message about throwing things, across. A few minutes later, I tossed a small ball [no where near TJ].  "OOOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH" faked TJ!

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