Sunday, April 22, 2012


I'm not a fan of TV, but I will watch a movie once in a while. I get them from the library, Goodwill and garage sales. After I watch them, I donate them to the library. Everybody wins except the produces of the movie. I have a cat, Speedy, that Mack picked out from a shelter when he was younger. And a dog, Lily, that I went to Ohio to retrieve from an overcrowded shelter. Everybody wanting to adopt a dog, overlooked her, because she seemed a bit scattered. [Life in a cage will do that to you.]. A cat and a dog don't make much noise. So....................... I thought - A BIRD - would make nice noises to fill my quiet days. Well..... the green Parrotlets came as a set; Pauly and Emma. They are not very noisy. So I thought .... get a canary, a male canary will sing beautifully. I answered an ad for - 3 canaries [with cage] - $60. Much to my chagrin, the three canaries WERE NOT canaries at all.... they were 3 parrakeets [budgies]. Parakeets make sounds and can learn to talk. "I'm NOT paying $60. for birds that were advertised as 'canaries'. $40. later [sympathy buy], I have an apartment full of noise. I still wanted canaries, the male sings a wonderful song. To make a long story short, I adopted Elliot and Peachy from a bird fancier. 7 birds and much noise later, I'm a happy renter. Maybe Elliot will teach the other birds to sing a canary song. Wouldn't that be nice.
In the ongoing saga of Peachy the canary: she tried AGAIN to nest [lay an egg]
in the seed cup. Being the intelligent, wise and resourceful human
that I am, I decided to switch the seed/water cups..................being the
stubborn canary that she is, Peachy put nesting material in the WATER. I gave up
and bought her a nest made out of bamboo [how could she resist?]. I lined the
nest with a HANDMADE crocheted cotton liner [see picture] [canary site says...
felt...DO YOU KNOW WHAT FLT IS MADE FROM????? Recycled PLASTICS bottles yuk.
Pittuey! ] No PLASTIC FELT for MY bird! I hung the arrestable cotton lined nest
in the darkest safest corner of the bird cage as recommend. Elliot looked at it
- Peachy would not go near it. [More nesting material the the water. OK OK YOU
WIN. I removed the water cup and repositioned the nest to be EXACTLY where her
little bird brain insisted she deposit her eggs. Sheese. As you can see from
the pictures, she has approved of the position of the nest by bringing white
shredded cotton-fluff into it. The canary site says that only the female builds
the nest, seems sexist to me. What does the male contribute to the procreation
of baby birds? Fine ------ he sings....big deal!

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