Thursday, April 26, 2012


Today's theme was inspired by Lily, my dog. I took TJ and Lily to the play park. We were the first to arrive, so I let Lily wander around - leash still attached. When she roams too far, I call her back closer to me. She may or may not listen. Today 'not'. When she got right to the edge of the trees and wouldn't listen to my calling her, I skipped right over and stood on her leash so she couldn't get into the woods. I led her back to the swing area and tied her to a bench. I explained to TJ that Lily had to stay tethered - she lost her 'freedom' - because she didn't listen and come back when I called her. "Just like when you don't stop doing something - like throwing books, and I have to put you in a time out. If you don't listen, you loose your 'freedom'.
Speaking of woods.... the 'honeysuckle' is wonderful. I don't remember 'honeysuckle' from my childhood. I remember smelling 'lilacs'. The first flower I noticed was purple Irises. My maternal grandmother had 'double french' lilacs. They sounded so special.

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