Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas eve morning.

The alarm that I set for yesterday kept incessantly trying to disturb my sleep this morning. Taking grandson Jay [Jim old name] Christmas shopping this afternoon...nothing like waiting till the last minute - men! I'm ready to return home to warm [er] NC. I miss my baby TJ and his parents. Speaking of TJ, Tim is flying him to Michigan after Xmas. This will be the 3rd time he has flown in an airplane this year! He's not even 10 months old! We all know people that have NEVER been 'off the ground'. Tim will disembark in Detroit, spend the night, borrow a car, drive 5 hours [with TJ] north, and arrive at Grandma and Grandpa Budry's house to visit with Tj's maternal relatives. Ann is staying in NC to prove to her new employers that she is an awesome asset [that and she doesn't get enough time to freeze in MI]. Updates soon. Merry Christmas [Anita] everyone............I wish you happiness.

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