Thursday, December 9, 2010

Saw Dr. Angell

Dr. Angell did not want to inject me with cortisone for my De Quervains, so she referred me to a 'hand' surgeon. Jan 4th 2011 is my appointment. Until then I will continue to see my chiropractor and wear the wrist brace. It seems better today [no baby lifting for the past 10 days]. I skipped my afternoon painkillers and I'm not considering cutting my arm off; so things must be getting better. Dr. Angell saw a suspicious pink spot on my face and decided to 'freeze' it/them - 2 spots. BP 117 over 71. Going to the clinic for the working uninsured that Dr. Angell volunteers at for my PAP/Mamo/Blood work/DPT soon. Live, Love, Laugh

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