Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Did I learn something new today?

Everyday I try to learn something makes me seem more alive. I had a dental appointment with the cutest dentist Downriver. Nope - nothing new there. I shopped for softer food because the DDS bonded a front tooth. Nope - nothing new at Kroger. I had a visit planned with a cousin, but a heating thing at Dee's rented house trumped that [visit with cousin rescheduled]. Nothing new. Then I went to Jim's basketball game [DCDS lost] Well I did go into a High School I never was in before, but I don't think that counts as learning. Drove home, ate dinner, played with dogs and tried to take a nap... see 'played.......'. Now I'm typing here - straining my brain to think of 'at least' ONE thing that I learned today - that I didn't know ...before. ............................................................................... NOTHING......damn!

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