Friday, June 3, 2011


Yesterday was my first 'day care' job at Yoga for the students w/children. Two hours of 'working' day care, gets me one hour of yoga-free. I have a deeper respect for teachers today. The first hour was just two 'sisters'. The older [6] decided that the chair would make a great toy - in a room filled with TOYS! The younger sister wanted to do everything her older sister did. The second hour also had sisters, and single 6 year old girl who would not tell me her name [I called her teacher because she wanted to 'teach' the 2 year old sister]. The older sister [5] kept correcting my enunciation of her name. "My name is AVA not ADA." Defective hearing I'd say. Goodness, I can say name begins with a 'V'! It's very hard to chase someone if they refuse to run. The 'most' fun was trying to get 'Ellis' [boy 5] to stop running in the playroom. He was being chased by... what else........the older sister. When I asked him to play catch with me, he threw the ball twice before dragging more toys out. Oh......and the little one stubbed her toe [no shoes????? in the playroom] and it bleed a little and 'teacher' insisted on being the 'nurse' and bandaging the boo-boo. Do the parents feed these kids donuts and koolaid BEFORE bringing them to 'playtime?' I hope it will be more fun, when I bring TJ with me. Wish me luck.

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