Saturday, June 4, 2011

Page 15.) 8-18-98

Jay, were having lunch and I gave you broccoli and you said "muchos grasis". his is the first time you have said 'thank you ' in Spanish. [GG has been saying 'thank you amigo' for a couple of months. Jay "Poka posies'translation 'Ring around the Rosie'.
Today we met a 2 year old boy in the park named 'Mackenzie' ; 'Mac' for short. You asked me to go to 'Greenfield Village'. "I like the big train GG, and the merry go round and the boat". You are very important to me. Yesterday and today you rode your 'Big Bike' to the park and back. About one mile; you are only 2 1/2. "What's your mane?" Jay, "I don't know". We were at a birthday party in August and a woman at the party said. "he [you] has a captivating face. He is gorgeous". I know. They are building GG a new street and you luv 'front loader' steam shovel' dumptrucks, bull dozers and cement trucks. There is another car just like mine in Allen Park and you point it out all the time. I think you are the most precious boy in the whole world. You are very polite and thoughtful. If I forget to say 'your welcome' when someone says thank you' You remind me to say 'your welcome'. YOU ARE A JOY!

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