Sunday, June 26, 2011

Quite weekend

TJ and his parents went to visit a friend overnight. I'm home ALONE; enjoying the quiet. Next week is a doozy for Ann. Her place of employment has a major client to get 'online' by July 1st and ALL employees will 'live' at work stating Monday. Now I'm going to put down on paper [computer] some of the things that TJ is doing at 14 months old. If I don't write them down, I will forget. TJ talks very well. He says ball, heavy ball, up, down, highchair, please, Lily, Speedy, heehaw, pretty, strawberry, PB&J, chicken, catch, vroom, bump [speed bump], exit, difficult, [he repeats everything] two, three, upstairs, light, downstairs, more [with ASL] and please [with ASL], all done [with ASL], baby, outside, home, car, truck, blue, purple, [letter] O,M, B and G, book, tea, iced tea, hot coffee, top, bowl, soft, bed, blanket, 'Move your Body' [Beyonce] chair, bathroom, juice, milk, window, Barney, trash, cookie, black pepper, pepper, cheese, hat, mirror, airplane, door, shut, open, bird, ice, yoga, and lots more. First he luvd 'River Dance' then 'Barrage - Old Joe Clark' then 'Move your Body'. He can climb in and out of his 'car seat'. Not too fond of baths. Hugs and kisses Lily and climbs on her for cuddling. Tries to pet 'Speedy' cat. Eats with a fork. Luvs to be naked. Starting to like puzzles. Enjoys an alphabet video. Walks [well] through the uneven ground in the backyard. Likes to go 'bye-bye'. Drinks a lot of juice, some of it carrot. Takes a milk bottle before bed time only. Watches Mommy and Daddy leave for work, through the open window.

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