It's been a long time since I last wrote in this book. Life is good and busy.
Kelli has moved to Brighton. You have grown up to be a handsome boy. You weigh 40 lbs. You're very smart and a wonderful grandson. You are a delight to be with. We play sports all the time. You also like card games, 'go fish', 'Scooby treats' and 'Kings in the Corner'. Also you like 'Splat' a board game and roller blades. You can count to 39 in Spanish, read three digit numbers [397]. You're a happy boy and very precious to me. Grown men are surprised at your athletic abilities.
You played soccer on a team this spring.
Last week GG asked you to put Vasoline on your cats arms for control of hairballs." OK grandma." [Your cats are named 'Kit Kit' and 'Grunt'] Knock knock knock.... on the bedroom door. I open the door and see that your hands are covered with Vasoline making it impossible to open the door by yourself. Then I see two cats covered head to tail in gobs of Vasoline...................half the jar was empty!
You know how to ride a two wheel bike! You're not even 4 1/2 yet! Richard Stumpf, across the street [Charles's dad] taught you how to ride last week. You were not happy that Charles could ride a two wheeler [he's 5] and you couldn't.... but you do NOW! Your Uncle Tom found out and bought you a brand new blue Shwinn Gremlin and helmet. YEAH TOM!
[You are in a van about to touch a door button.]
"Don't touch that!" Angela scolded you.
"Why ? will it blow-up the van? you asked so seriously.
Only a 'boy' would think of such a thing.
Wow! WE [mom & I] are very blessed to have such a wonderful boy.
WE [you and me] started college [Henry Ford Community College] yesterday
You at the 'child care' and me in the class room. What a milestone for us.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Wow! lucky me.......I get to tell about getting a staff infection in my right knee while I was on a trip to Michigan. Landed on a Thursday. On Saturday [My mother's 85th birthday] my knee get stiff, hot and swollen. 11-18-2012. Every thing is well.
The title is what TJ said the other day. LOL My nick name for him is Hunny Bunny. I'm trying very hard to get another blog book published. Frustrated! All is well in NC. This week Thursday will be Thanksgiving. Mack and Sandy are coming for the holiday....WOOHOO! I'm thankful for my family, health, and most important...... the ability to 'day care' my second grandson - Torin".
Tom just turned 43 and Sandy just hit the first 39 mark. Mack has been 16 all year and is now the proud owner of his Uncle Tom's former red Dodge Dakota pick up truck. Tom bought it brand new in 1999. I have been in my apartment for 1 year now and luv it! Speedy and Lily are sitting on the back of the couch, right behind me, while I type this. My seven birds are sing up a storm. The female Canary is sitting on four eggs.....seems to be the wrong season. She hasn't had any success getting her many eggs to hatch. I suspect the male Canary is shooting blanks.
TJ seems to understand many things that are beyond the 'normal' boy 2 1/2 years old. Our 'word' for Tuesday was 'disqualified'. We were racing cars on a track and I was the 'announcer'. He has grasped the concept that letters make words, and will ask me 'what does that say'? We are talking about math concepts '1+1=2', but just talking. Torin is very charming. He says hi to everyone. Yes please or no thank you. He addresses female adults as Miss Diane, Miss Cindy or Miss Jo and men as Mr. Frank, Mr. Ted or Mr. Tom. These are some of TJ's neighbors on Mersham Court, Charlotte NC. 28269. Mersham Ct. is the second house TJ has lived in. The first was 627 Depot Ridge, Garner [near Raleigh] NC.
TJ get lots of hugs, kisses, fist bumps, and hi 5's. He gets 'score!' and lots of approval. Torin accepts that his has done something wrong, apologizes saying what he did wrong [sorry I pushed you and then with his arms out wide, asks the child if he/she would like a hug. He's getting better at 'sharing' and not teasing Lily. Most adults are very impressed with his ability to talk easily with them. All this reminds me of Mack when he was 2 1/2!
Tom just turned 43 and Sandy just hit the first 39 mark. Mack has been 16 all year and is now the proud owner of his Uncle Tom's former red Dodge Dakota pick up truck. Tom bought it brand new in 1999. I have been in my apartment for 1 year now and luv it! Speedy and Lily are sitting on the back of the couch, right behind me, while I type this. My seven birds are sing up a storm. The female Canary is sitting on four eggs.....seems to be the wrong season. She hasn't had any success getting her many eggs to hatch. I suspect the male Canary is shooting blanks.
TJ seems to understand many things that are beyond the 'normal' boy 2 1/2 years old. Our 'word' for Tuesday was 'disqualified'. We were racing cars on a track and I was the 'announcer'. He has grasped the concept that letters make words, and will ask me 'what does that say'? We are talking about math concepts '1+1=2', but just talking. Torin is very charming. He says hi to everyone. Yes please or no thank you. He addresses female adults as Miss Diane, Miss Cindy or Miss Jo and men as Mr. Frank, Mr. Ted or Mr. Tom. These are some of TJ's neighbors on Mersham Court, Charlotte NC. 28269. Mersham Ct. is the second house TJ has lived in. The first was 627 Depot Ridge, Garner [near Raleigh] NC.
TJ get lots of hugs, kisses, fist bumps, and hi 5's. He gets 'score!' and lots of approval. Torin accepts that his has done something wrong, apologizes saying what he did wrong [sorry I pushed you and then with his arms out wide, asks the child if he/she would like a hug. He's getting better at 'sharing' and not teasing Lily. Most adults are very impressed with his ability to talk easily with them. All this reminds me of Mack when he was 2 1/2!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Two and a half
TJ was officially 2 1/2 October 1st. Many things are the to be expected, many things are different. A noticeable change is the new game of resisting getting into the car seat. Ditto - the getting into the car. Torin loves to carry a bag around with some of his toys in it. We [TJ] were talking to a neighbor outside her house today, and TJ started to tell her to 'go inside'. Reminds me of my other grandson. They are not too fond of sharing GG. I told him later it was rude and not to say it again. I don't expect my little guy to be perfect.....many adults drink and drive....knowing full well the consequences. TJ doesn't like the 'play room' at the YMCA. "I'll be sad". Potty training is more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Torin is able to move the mouse/curser and left click. Today we started click and drag. He seems more excited to go to 'story time' at the library and is doing a great job of self play/pretend. TJ is a joy!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
"What is that called?"
This week was a big step in growing up for TJ. While I was rubbing my dog's tummy, TJ was helping. He spotted her nipples and asked, " what is that called?" At 2 1/2 years old, he asked his first question. TJ has been talking since just after one year old and now has a very impressive vocabulary. Although he has trouble saying 'three', he says 'free'.... like two, free, four, five. He can say thumb, this, that, etc. TJ tackles any 3-4-5 syllable words easily. He free plays very well. And is good at pretend. But...curiosity and a need to grasp an understanding of his world, led him to his first question. While holding a very small pine cone, TJ's asked his second question a day later, "what is this called?' [He has very large pine cones in his yard]. TJ is good at calling you out on an execration. He tossed a metal toy truck in my direction. It hit my knee [I was on the floor with him] and I wanted him to realize he could hurt someone, so I embellished my cry. OOOOOOUUUCCCCHHH I yelled. He looked suitably remorseful. I asked for and received an apology, "sorry I hurt your knee GG". I was sure I got the message about throwing things, across. A few minutes later, I tossed a small ball [no where near TJ]. "OOOOOUUUUCCCCHHHH" faked TJ!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Being with TJ is such a delight. TJ loves beads. He decided to put a few beads into the silo attached to his toy farm. GG says, " good idea TJ, the beads can be pretend corn. That is what farmers put into their silos to feed the animals in the winter." Which led to a discussion of storing food in winter when plants can't grow. Which led to what happens in spring that starts the cycle of plowing, planting, growing, harvesting, and back to storing. Every single moment has a learning/teaching component to it.
Lily sat next to TJ when he was sitting in front of his play table. TJ put his closest arm around sweet. [He really loves to tease Lily]. Taking Lily for a walk is one of TJ's favorite things to do. If the leash is in his 'left' hand, TJ says 'left hand'. 'Right hand' if the leash changes hands. If he drops the leash, he knows to run and step on the leash to stop Lily.
TJ is amazing, smart, loving, verbal, joyful, physical, and cute.
Lily sat next to TJ when he was sitting in front of his play table. TJ put his closest arm around sweet. [He really loves to tease Lily]. Taking Lily for a walk is one of TJ's favorite things to do. If the leash is in his 'left' hand, TJ says 'left hand'. 'Right hand' if the leash changes hands. If he drops the leash, he knows to run and step on the leash to stop Lily.
TJ is amazing, smart, loving, verbal, joyful, physical, and cute.
What started out as a nice visit to Michigan to go to my mother's 85th birthday party, ended up being quite an ordeal involving a hospital stay. My right knee got hot, red and painful on the day of the party,Saturday, July 19th. Not being a doctor, infection was not in my brain. I thought it was arthritis. The next Thursday, found me in my former doctors office.................... here is my story:
day one - Saturday -the good guys were asleep or on vacation. The bad guys
took the right knee. The bad guys are making the knee red, hot and painful.
day two - Sunday - the goods guys are not yet aware, that the war is
day three - Monday - bad guy are laughing
day four - Tuesday -. From somewhere there come cold [ice pack] LOL say the
bad guys.
day five - Wednesday - brain thinks it might be arthritis and googles
'swollen hot knee'
day six - Thursday - finally.... AFTER one big giant antibiotic shot in the
right rear flank, the good guys wake up. The bad guys sense this and send in
reinforcements. The battlefield is so painful, that just THINKING about touching
it causes terror. The first general [Doc], sends the battlefield to a second
general. This general wants to size up the enemy, so he stabs the battlefield
with a very sharp needle; [the brain wants to run away screaming....can't....
bad knee] to withdraw a cannon full of the enemy and send it to the medic, who
takes 48 hours to size up the bad guys. In the mean time, the General has order
what he is sure are some more good guys into battle. WAR HAS BEEN
day seven - Friday - back to the first general so she can send the super
good guys into battle through the left rear flank. The bad guys are still
laughing from the invasion of the first good guys.
Battlefield raging. Much stabbing pain from the lances being thrown,
jolting the whole being.
I can't lie, things are not looking good. The battle field is huge, hot,
red/purple and painful .
day eight - Saturday - With the help of mechanical devices; being, brain
and battlefield catch a flight home to NC. Medics have confirmed............the
bad guys are staff infection........MRSA
day eight - Sunday - THE GOOD GUYS have pushed back the emeny! The
battlefield looks smaller. There has been some innocent casualties of
war.....loss of appetite [hunger is painful] and the saddest loss - JOY that the
brain has worked so hard with other good guys to achieve. Doom and gloom are
frequent visitors.
day eight - Monday - Back on day four
or five, the brain thoughtfully thought that it probably should see a general
when it got home. The general pushes all over the battled with his hands,
proving that the good guys are winning. "General no. 2 took some bad
guys out?" Brain, "Sir! Yes sir!" "Don't like the feel of the battlefield. Go
see my Sargent, she will take blood from the being". General receives no reports
of war from 1st and 2nd general. "See me in 48 hours."
day nine - Tuesday - the brain thinks that maybe the good guys aren't
working hard enough. Large red rash around battlefield. More pain. Being resorts
to yoga breathing when sleep won't come.
day 10 - Wednesday - The nice young general is not happy the battlefield
looks terrible. He pushes with hands and declares.."We're sucking as many bad
guys out of the battlefield as possible!" Brain says, "NO NO NO No
nooooooooooooooo!" Being almost sat straight up to remove the extremely painful
assault. General is surprised that cannon doesn't show signs of bad guys [pus].
General says, ' I want another general to consult". "This is general handsome."
General handsome asks, " have you put anything on the battlefield.? Brain, "
iceycold and biofreeze". "The rash might be an allergic reaction; wash and put
nothing on battlefield." The generals pair up secretly to discuss
strategy. General young/good looking, "Here is a paper for more/different good
guys. Report back in 48 hours"
To be continued...................
day 11 - Thursday. Looks like the good guys are winning.
day 12 - Friday. The general says "call me if the battlefield looks worse. All looks good."
day 13 - Saturday. The being takes Lily for a walk then collapses on the bed for hours. Being calls son to take her to 'Urgent care' where a different General works. New general is very nice, listens to beings sad story and says " you have to go to the hospital, where they have different generals, tests and 'good guys' that will flow directly in your veins." Being is very sad. Son takes being to 'Emergency' at hospital. After much painful poking, being is admitted. The very powerful 'good guys' are flowing directly into beings veins.
day 14 - Sunday.
TO be continued...................
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Page 25) Oct. 19, 1999
Twice this week, when Kelli went for a nap, you wanted to read [tell] the stories to her. You 'read' 'Just A Rainy Day' 'Just A Nap' ' I Just Forgot' 'All By Myself' 'The New Potty' all by Mercer Mayer. I am so proud of you. You are Grandma's wonderful boy!
When I lick my finger to clean your face, you wipe off the wet spot and say "parasite". I about cracked up the first time I heard you say 'parasite.'
One day at preschool we were waiting with the children and mothers in the lobby. Kenzie with toy gun, "see." Replied GG, "your teacher is going to yell at you for bringing a gun to school." You sat quietly, thinking for a minute, "my teacher is not a screamer." All the moms were very surprised at your answer and one even said, "boy is he smart!"
Mama was talking a long time on the phone to GG and you wanted to talk to me. She kept saying "wait." you cried a whole 30 minutes. When she finally gave you the phone you were sobbing, " Grandma, Grandma, will, will you buy me a guitar?" "Yes sweetheart, I will." [I did].
Oct, 21 1999
Today we were playing baseball. I was the batter and you were the pitcher pretending to be 'Henry Rowengartner' from the movie 'The Rookie'. Your pitching is getting great. I hit a line drive right to your mouth. "Grandma!" you cried. I hugged and kissed you and told you I was sorry. You were sitting on my lap and said, "Henry Rowengartner is crying." Such a precious boy!
Nov. 13, 1999
This morning you told me," if Kit Kit falls out of the window [upstairs], I will jump out the window and throw her back up. Then I will run around the house to the door and call 'Grandma'."
Nov 1, 1999
You started 'Montessori' school this morning. You go Mon, Wed, & Fri. You like having two schools. 'Topsy Toddler' co-op preschool Tues & Thur.
At 3 1/2 you like baseball, football, hockey, soccer, golf, trains, 'Blue's Clues', 'Pokamon', Beanie Babies', your Silky, mac & cheese, candy, cats, tennis, the computer, Charles Stumpf, Leann Beals, Dallas, Karly, Mrs. Oats, singing, the guitar, and 'Teletubbies'.
When I lick my finger to clean your face, you wipe off the wet spot and say "parasite". I about cracked up the first time I heard you say 'parasite.'
One day at preschool we were waiting with the children and mothers in the lobby. Kenzie with toy gun, "see." Replied GG, "your teacher is going to yell at you for bringing a gun to school." You sat quietly, thinking for a minute, "my teacher is not a screamer." All the moms were very surprised at your answer and one even said, "boy is he smart!"
Mama was talking a long time on the phone to GG and you wanted to talk to me. She kept saying "wait." you cried a whole 30 minutes. When she finally gave you the phone you were sobbing, " Grandma, Grandma, will, will you buy me a guitar?" "Yes sweetheart, I will." [I did].
Oct, 21 1999
Today we were playing baseball. I was the batter and you were the pitcher pretending to be 'Henry Rowengartner' from the movie 'The Rookie'. Your pitching is getting great. I hit a line drive right to your mouth. "Grandma!" you cried. I hugged and kissed you and told you I was sorry. You were sitting on my lap and said, "Henry Rowengartner is crying." Such a precious boy!
Nov. 13, 1999
This morning you told me," if Kit Kit falls out of the window [upstairs], I will jump out the window and throw her back up. Then I will run around the house to the door and call 'Grandma'."
Nov 1, 1999
You started 'Montessori' school this morning. You go Mon, Wed, & Fri. You like having two schools. 'Topsy Toddler' co-op preschool Tues & Thur.
At 3 1/2 you like baseball, football, hockey, soccer, golf, trains, 'Blue's Clues', 'Pokamon', Beanie Babies', your Silky, mac & cheese, candy, cats, tennis, the computer, Charles Stumpf, Leann Beals, Dallas, Karly, Mrs. Oats, singing, the guitar, and 'Teletubbies'.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
My brain just doesn't want to think very hard.
You would think that anyone who 'thinks' all day, would be able to put a few words down on paper.
Just start putting one word after another and pretty soon, you might have something to share. Of course, if I wanted to complain, I would have plenty to say. I could just start listing the things that I'm thankful for, but I'm too lazy to do that. I know, I'll just start with what I did so far today, and maybe that will lead to something profound to write about. Today is Saturday. My cat was digging at my covers with his front paws, just past 6 o'clock this morning, trying to wake me up. I can't imagine what in the world is so important to a cat at 6ish in the morning, that wouldn't/couldn't wait until 7ish to wake me up for. Anyway, I'm awake and need to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness I didn't drink all the cold coffee in my cup last night, because it sure was tasty this morning and I didn't have to wait for the coffee maker to s l o w l y spit out caffeine. Grab the coffee, leash Lily dog and parade in front of my apartment whispering "potty Lily potty Lily" to a very obstinate dog. I have never experienced a dog that didn't pee the minute it's paws touched the grass. What is her problem? She sniffs and sniffs and sniffs every single blade of grass [while I'm chanting 'good girl - good girl hoping to speed up the infernal process] to find the 'perfect' one to christen. Finally, she has granted me my wish and has relieved herself. We run upstairs to get the all important 'treat' that makes life worth living. After double checking on 'craigslist' - GARAGE SALE 7AM, I grab a few raspberries, ignore the bird tasks and take my $20.00 and head out to the first yard sale. My hobby is yard saleing. There are so many treasures to find and so little time to find them. Garage sales in NC are one day only and from 7am to noon. That's it.....For the whole week. I have to wait seven more days to find treasures. Today I bought TJ a 'Wonder Pet' flying boat with all the characters for $2.00. Until yesterday, I didn't even know what 'Wonder Pets' was. I bought pencils and paper for the YMCA summer camp. Sometimes TJ goes to 'play room' while I pedal a stationary I bought a book that looks like a 1950's vintage girl's cook book. I hope it sell on 'Ebay" for $10.00. The $1.00 GI JOE I bought last week has a $10.00 bid on it [free shipping]. Let's hope more than one person would like to have it. That would send the bid higher. I bought a $2.00 pair of kids cowboy boots that sold for $27.56. It pays to have a hobby [yard saleing] that puts spending money in my pocket. There is also a used/resale book store near here, that buys books, DVDs, CDs and such. Dang, I was so hungry [I was to meet my friend at 9 AM for breakfast] that I bought a homemade zucchini, pecan chocolate chip muffin at yard sale. YUM
Just start putting one word after another and pretty soon, you might have something to share. Of course, if I wanted to complain, I would have plenty to say. I could just start listing the things that I'm thankful for, but I'm too lazy to do that. I know, I'll just start with what I did so far today, and maybe that will lead to something profound to write about. Today is Saturday. My cat was digging at my covers with his front paws, just past 6 o'clock this morning, trying to wake me up. I can't imagine what in the world is so important to a cat at 6ish in the morning, that wouldn't/couldn't wait until 7ish to wake me up for. Anyway, I'm awake and need to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness I didn't drink all the cold coffee in my cup last night, because it sure was tasty this morning and I didn't have to wait for the coffee maker to s l o w l y spit out caffeine. Grab the coffee, leash Lily dog and parade in front of my apartment whispering "potty Lily potty Lily" to a very obstinate dog. I have never experienced a dog that didn't pee the minute it's paws touched the grass. What is her problem? She sniffs and sniffs and sniffs every single blade of grass [while I'm chanting 'good girl - good girl hoping to speed up the infernal process] to find the 'perfect' one to christen. Finally, she has granted me my wish and has relieved herself. We run upstairs to get the all important 'treat' that makes life worth living. After double checking on 'craigslist' - GARAGE SALE 7AM, I grab a few raspberries, ignore the bird tasks and take my $20.00 and head out to the first yard sale. My hobby is yard saleing. There are so many treasures to find and so little time to find them. Garage sales in NC are one day only and from 7am to noon. That's it.....For the whole week. I have to wait seven more days to find treasures. Today I bought TJ a 'Wonder Pet' flying boat with all the characters for $2.00. Until yesterday, I didn't even know what 'Wonder Pets' was. I bought pencils and paper for the YMCA summer camp. Sometimes TJ goes to 'play room' while I pedal a stationary I bought a book that looks like a 1950's vintage girl's cook book. I hope it sell on 'Ebay" for $10.00. The $1.00 GI JOE I bought last week has a $10.00 bid on it [free shipping]. Let's hope more than one person would like to have it. That would send the bid higher. I bought a $2.00 pair of kids cowboy boots that sold for $27.56. It pays to have a hobby [yard saleing] that puts spending money in my pocket. There is also a used/resale book store near here, that buys books, DVDs, CDs and such. Dang, I was so hungry [I was to meet my friend at 9 AM for breakfast] that I bought a homemade zucchini, pecan chocolate chip muffin at yard sale. YUM
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Page 24) June 18, 1999
Today we play 'go fish' with Rekha. You play as well as a six year old. I'm very proud of you for learning how to play cards at 3 years old.
July 1999
We were playing 'go fish' today and you said,' GG, do you have a '9'?" "Sorry, go fish," I said. "Let me see your cards," you said. "No," I said. "It's a secret." "Please, let me see your cards." You didn't believe me that I didn't have a nine in my hand.
Aug 1999
We went on vacation together 'up north' at Mullet Lake. You didn't want to go on vacation because you didn't know what 'vacation' was. We stayed with Aunt Kathryn, Uncle Craig, Devin and Rekha. One day we drove through Mackinaw City over the 'Mighty Mac Bridge' and crossed the U.P. to Soo Saint Marie to see the 'Soo Locks'. We took a boat through the Locks. We had a great time on vacation and you wanted to stay. K-mart called while we were on vacation. They wanted you for a modeling job.
Sept. 1999
You have a big bruise on your forehead, so I call your mom at work. She gets the ok to take you to emergency.
GG, "we have to get dressed so we can go and see your mom."
K, "at work?"
GG, " no, at the hospital."
K, "what's wrong with my mom?"
GG, "nothing sweety, we need to take a picture [x-ray] of you head."
K, "I don't want a picture of my head."
You are my very precious boy!
Sept 1999
You recognize all your numbers with a little help, 87,56,28,92 etc.
You help GG grocery shop.
GG, " don't drop the apples into the cart."
Sports are your favorite thing.
"Kenzie, what did you like best about your vacation?"
K, " football, basketball, tennis, baseball."
The bigger - harder the baseball bat, the more you like it.
Mom lined up all your video movie tapes on top of my dresser. You were choosing one to watch [from about ten]. "GG, 'Parent Trap' is backward." You noticed that one title was facing in a different direction.
You and I were playing baseball and I was the batter and you were the pitcher. I hit a long high ball over your head and you said "what a woman!" LOL
You and Kelli start 'pre-school' this month. "GG, may we walk to school?"
The first day we drove because we had so much stuff. Your teacher is 'Mrs. Oats'
We went to 'railroad days' at Greenfield Village again the year. This is a very special event for you.
July 1999
We were playing 'go fish' today and you said,' GG, do you have a '9'?" "Sorry, go fish," I said. "Let me see your cards," you said. "No," I said. "It's a secret." "Please, let me see your cards." You didn't believe me that I didn't have a nine in my hand.
Aug 1999
We went on vacation together 'up north' at Mullet Lake. You didn't want to go on vacation because you didn't know what 'vacation' was. We stayed with Aunt Kathryn, Uncle Craig, Devin and Rekha. One day we drove through Mackinaw City over the 'Mighty Mac Bridge' and crossed the U.P. to Soo Saint Marie to see the 'Soo Locks'. We took a boat through the Locks. We had a great time on vacation and you wanted to stay. K-mart called while we were on vacation. They wanted you for a modeling job.
Sept. 1999
You have a big bruise on your forehead, so I call your mom at work. She gets the ok to take you to emergency.
GG, "we have to get dressed so we can go and see your mom."
K, "at work?"
GG, " no, at the hospital."
K, "what's wrong with my mom?"
GG, "nothing sweety, we need to take a picture [x-ray] of you head."
K, "I don't want a picture of my head."
You are my very precious boy!
Sept 1999
You recognize all your numbers with a little help, 87,56,28,92 etc.
You help GG grocery shop.
GG, " don't drop the apples into the cart."
Sports are your favorite thing.
"Kenzie, what did you like best about your vacation?"
K, " football, basketball, tennis, baseball."
The bigger - harder the baseball bat, the more you like it.
Mom lined up all your video movie tapes on top of my dresser. You were choosing one to watch [from about ten]. "GG, 'Parent Trap' is backward." You noticed that one title was facing in a different direction.
You and I were playing baseball and I was the batter and you were the pitcher. I hit a long high ball over your head and you said "what a woman!" LOL
You and Kelli start 'pre-school' this month. "GG, may we walk to school?"
The first day we drove because we had so much stuff. Your teacher is 'Mrs. Oats'
We went to 'railroad days' at Greenfield Village again the year. This is a very special event for you.
Friday, July 6, 2012
" My diaper is crooked'
TJ can say the funniest things. I probably can't remember most of them, although I'm trying to jot them down on my cell phone and send them to his parents. I'm worried that TJ will be upset that
I'm am going on a trip for ten days. Thank goodness he is used to the idea that he doesn't see me on the weekends. TJ's parents need family time with their son without my being around adding my two cents worth. I wrote TJ a note explaining where I will be and what I will be doing. I'm hoping that Tom or Jes will mark off the days I'm gone on a calendar, for a visual aid. TJ can count objects, so he will be able to count the days left until I come home. I'm sure it will seem like I am away for a couple of months. I will call him every day to tell him that I love him. TJ gave my car [the Mercury] a big hug today. [He gave 'Miss Allison' the library story teller, a big hug and he wanted to kiss the dental receptionist good bye.] We talk about the Mercury like she is a good friend. " Let's park the 'Mercury' in the shade so she will be cooler," I'll say to TJ. I like to scratch TJ's back every day. He sees me using a back scratcher. TJ asked me to help him use the scratcher. I said, " you have a GG to scratch your back, GG doesn't have a GG to scratch her back." So he tried to stick the scratcher down my shirt back. LOL We are learning 'opposites' this week. He is trying to read Bathtime for Biscuit. Probably more memory than reading, but we are pointing out and spelling the words.
I'm am going on a trip for ten days. Thank goodness he is used to the idea that he doesn't see me on the weekends. TJ's parents need family time with their son without my being around adding my two cents worth. I wrote TJ a note explaining where I will be and what I will be doing. I'm hoping that Tom or Jes will mark off the days I'm gone on a calendar, for a visual aid. TJ can count objects, so he will be able to count the days left until I come home. I'm sure it will seem like I am away for a couple of months. I will call him every day to tell him that I love him. TJ gave my car [the Mercury] a big hug today. [He gave 'Miss Allison' the library story teller, a big hug and he wanted to kiss the dental receptionist good bye.] We talk about the Mercury like she is a good friend. " Let's park the 'Mercury' in the shade so she will be cooler," I'll say to TJ. I like to scratch TJ's back every day. He sees me using a back scratcher. TJ asked me to help him use the scratcher. I said, " you have a GG to scratch your back, GG doesn't have a GG to scratch her back." So he tried to stick the scratcher down my shirt back. LOL We are learning 'opposites' this week. He is trying to read Bathtime for Biscuit. Probably more memory than reading, but we are pointing out and spelling the words.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Book.... 'Torin's Day'
It's 7 o'clock
in the morning.........TJ wakes up, climbs out of his big boy bed and toddles into
his parents room. “Good morning Sunshine” says his Mommy. She picks him up
and gives him the biggest bear hug ever.
It's 8 o'clock
in the morning.........Time for breakfast. TJ is sitting in his big boy chair
in the kitchen, watching his Daddy make pancakes. “Lots of butter on my
cakes, please”, says TJ. “I love you Hunny Bunny”, says Mommy when
she leaves for work. “Have a nice day Mommy” says TJ.
It's 9 o'clock
in the morning.........Time for Grandma GG to come over and play with TJ.
“Good morning GG!” shouts TJ.
It's 10 o'clock
in the morning.........Time to go to the park. “Say good bye to Daddy
TJ; he has to go to work.” says GG. “I love Daddy!” shouts TJ.
“Lets rock and roll” says GG. “Do you want to play at the blue park or
the tree house first?” asks GG. No
It's 11 o'clock
in the morning.........Time for snack. “Let's eat at the picnic table”
says GG to TJ. We have grapes, juice, cheese and crackers. “Yum” says TJ.
It's 12 o'clock
in the afternoon.........Time for lunch. "Would you like peanut
butter and jelly?” GG asks TJ. “Yes, please”, says TJ.
It's 1 o'clock
in the afternoon.........Time for a bike ride. “Push those pedals! Push
those pedals! Right, left, right, left!” shouts GG.
It's 2 o'clock
in the afternoon.........“Hunny Bunny, climb into your car seat so you can take
a nap” says GG. The only way to get TJ to take a nap is to drive
him around. When he has fallen asleep, GG drives TJ home and carries him
into the house.
It's 3 o'clock
in the afternoon.........Now both TJ and GG are sleeping.
It's 4 o'clock
in the afternoon.........Time for another snack. “I'm hungry” says
TJ. “Let's get a popsicle and go on the deck” answers GG.
It's 5 o'clock
in the evening.........Time for Mama to come home from work. “Mama I
missed you!” exclaims TJ when his Mommy gets home.
It's 6 o'clock
in the evening.........Time for dinner. Mom asks TJ, "do you want Macaroni and cheese for dinner?" "Alright," answers TJ. "TJ," says Mom, "It's, 'yes please or no thank you." "Alright," says TJ.
It's 7 o'clock
in the evening.........Time for a bath, pajamas and a movie. “Hi Daddy!” shouts
TJ when his dad comes home from work.
It’s 8 o'clock
in the evening.........Time for bed and a good book. “Please read Things That Go” says TJ.
It’s 8 fifteen
in the evening.........Time for love and kisses.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Mama!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Daddy!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Grandma GG!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Grandma MeMaw!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Papa Bill!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Papa Dave!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Aunt Sandy!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Aunt Sarah!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Aunt Lindsey!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Uncle Chad!” TJ replies.
loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.
“Uncle Derek!” TJ replies.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Page 23) March 2, 1999
Today your mom misunderstood something I said to her and she crabbed at me. You told her "don't talk to my Grandma like that, it's not nice". Thank you Kenzie.
March 8th
You looked at your bare tummy today and said, "I'm brown".
March 20th
We [Rekha, GG & you] were in McDonalds for dinner [french fries] and you had to go potty. You left the play area and marched to the restroom singing...."I have to go potty, I have to go potty, I have to go potty".
I was drying your new pajamas with the hairdryer, while they were on you. The clothes dryer hadn't quite get the crotch dry. I pulled the material away from your crotch but accidentally pinched your penis..."ouch!" you said.
"I'm sorry" I said. "I'll give you a kiss" and kissed your cheek. "no Grandma, kiss my penis" and you started to unzip your PJs right down to the crotch and exposed your penis. You are such a preciuos boy. I will love you forever.
We were playing with plastic easter eggs and we discussed the color peach and lavendar.
April 4th Happy Easter
Today you walked on your toes, curled under, just like Uncle Conan [my brother] did when he was little.
Kenzie, "Grandma, I want a piece of candy". GG, "no Kenzie". K, "why?" GG, "because you need real food first". K, " I don't like real food, I like candy". GG, "N-O spells no". K, "A-B-C yes".
April 19th
What a wonderful, beautiful, kind boy you are. You say your name is 'Jason'. We play baseball in the living room with a soft ball. You are a great hitter and pitcher. When the ball rolls down the stairs, I tell you go get it because your legs are younger than mine. K, "I can't, I have a bone in my leg".
Aunt Kathryn was picking you up by the ears, covering them up, Kenzie, "I can't talk".
May 15th
You are Grandma's special boy. I brought up the trampoline from the basement to the living room, because you love to jump on everything. I was singing and you were bouncing and turning and you said, " bouncing makes me happy". You are a happy cheerful boy, always singing; 'she sailed away', 'I love you' [Barney], 'Pop goes the weasel' and 'this old man' etc.
March 8th
You looked at your bare tummy today and said, "I'm brown".
March 20th
We [Rekha, GG & you] were in McDonalds for dinner [french fries] and you had to go potty. You left the play area and marched to the restroom singing...."I have to go potty, I have to go potty, I have to go potty".
I was drying your new pajamas with the hairdryer, while they were on you. The clothes dryer hadn't quite get the crotch dry. I pulled the material away from your crotch but accidentally pinched your penis..."ouch!" you said.
"I'm sorry" I said. "I'll give you a kiss" and kissed your cheek. "no Grandma, kiss my penis" and you started to unzip your PJs right down to the crotch and exposed your penis. You are such a preciuos boy. I will love you forever.
We were playing with plastic easter eggs and we discussed the color peach and lavendar.
April 4th Happy Easter
Today you walked on your toes, curled under, just like Uncle Conan [my brother] did when he was little.
Kenzie, "Grandma, I want a piece of candy". GG, "no Kenzie". K, "why?" GG, "because you need real food first". K, " I don't like real food, I like candy". GG, "N-O spells no". K, "A-B-C yes".
April 19th
What a wonderful, beautiful, kind boy you are. You say your name is 'Jason'. We play baseball in the living room with a soft ball. You are a great hitter and pitcher. When the ball rolls down the stairs, I tell you go get it because your legs are younger than mine. K, "I can't, I have a bone in my leg".
Aunt Kathryn was picking you up by the ears, covering them up, Kenzie, "I can't talk".
May 15th
You are Grandma's special boy. I brought up the trampoline from the basement to the living room, because you love to jump on everything. I was singing and you were bouncing and turning and you said, " bouncing makes me happy". You are a happy cheerful boy, always singing; 'she sailed away', 'I love you' [Barney], 'Pop goes the weasel' and 'this old man' etc.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Same ol' same ol'
There was a lot about this week that was the same as last week, the week before and the week before that. There are things to complain about and there are things to marvel at. I think I will skip the complaining, because why complain if there is not a whole lot you can do about it or maybe you just might have to get off your butt and do something about it. Yoga is good. I have a friend to go with now. We go twice a week. Plus, I get a piece of dark chocolate AND a foot massage [I would go just for the massage!]. TJ is understanding that letters make words. He is doing a great job of pretend play with his trains. Which reminds me, he seems to like staying at home or my apartment playing with his toys rather than going somewhere. I'm sure that will change and change back again. TJ is so well with his numbers that we have introduced o'clock to him. Up at 7 o'clock - breakfast at 8 oclock - etc.We have been singing and reading about the days of the week. "Cookie's Week" is a cute book with lovely pictures. No wonder 'english' is so difficult to learn, there are TWO or more words for almost everything........... trash/garbage - street/road - DVD/video/movie - oops sounds like complaining.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Page 22] Feb 19th 1999
You luv trains, engines and especially the 'rods' on the wheels of the steam locomotives. We play trains with 'legos', play dough and art. We buy and watch 'train tapes' [VHS]. You luv your 'Thomas the Train' movies. We make trains out of chairs, tables, dominoes, couches and everything. One of your first pretend games when you were 1 year old, was to line up your letters on the floor. GG asked, "what is that"? Mack said, "train". It was amazing to watch your mind work. You are very concerned with other children crying. You will put your arm around them and ask, " are you all right"? Yesterday we were in the kitchen playing with 'play dough' and Mom was on the computer upstairs. She sneezed and you yelled " Bless you Mom." She said "thank you Kenzie" You replied' " you're welcome Mom." Then she sneezed again, "Bless you Mom."
Feb 28, 1999 YOU ARE 3!
Today is your birthday party. I'm going to take movies. Yesterday mom cleaned house while you and I spent time together. You looked at your side of the bedroom and said to your Mom, " Mama, you cleaned up". When you go pee or poop in the toilet I say, "thank you Kenzie, and you say, "oh you're welcome Grandma". You like me to take the back lid off the tank so you can watch the water go down and the flapper come up.
These are the things that you say to me everyday...... 1] Let's go to Greenfield Village, 2] Let's go to the farm and see pigs and ducks [too wet-too cold], 3] Let's go to Diedra's school and find her [what school?] and 4] Let's go to Rekha's and see Uncle Craig's big ENGINE!'
Feb 28, 1999 YOU ARE 3!
Today is your birthday party. I'm going to take movies. Yesterday mom cleaned house while you and I spent time together. You looked at your side of the bedroom and said to your Mom, " Mama, you cleaned up". When you go pee or poop in the toilet I say, "thank you Kenzie, and you say, "oh you're welcome Grandma". You like me to take the back lid off the tank so you can watch the water go down and the flapper come up.
These are the things that you say to me everyday...... 1] Let's go to Greenfield Village, 2] Let's go to the farm and see pigs and ducks [too wet-too cold], 3] Let's go to Diedra's school and find her [what school?] and 4] Let's go to Rekha's and see Uncle Craig's big ENGINE!'
Saturday, June 23, 2012
My Hunny Bunny
Jes asked TJ, "do you love Mama?" No answer. She asked, "do you love Daddy?" No answer. Then Jes asked, "do you love GG?" ................. "TJ loves grandma," he said. I guess I rate.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Such a cutie.
With both his Mom and Dad exercising all the time, TJ enjoys 'exercising'. He does 'jumping jacks' 'push ups' rolls, and everything they do. He even enjoys lifting weights. So even I was surprised when he stuck his feet under the back cushion of the couch and proceeded to do 'sit ups' 'crunches' from a position of his head hanging over the seat cushion! Amazing!
We are talking about being a good listener. Giving him 'kudos' when he listens well.
TJ asked Tom for a sucker. Tom said, "what color do you want?" TJ answered, " lavender". So Tom gave him a purple sucker [no lavender ones]. TJ can't resist teasing Lily dog, and stuck the sucker in front of her face, pulling it back just in time. Until..he didn't pull it back fast enough, and Lily was very happy dog. "WAAAAAAA", cried TJ. We had warned him that if he teased Lily with the sucker, she might get it. He did get another sucker AND he resisted teasing Lily with it.
We are talking about being a good listener. Giving him 'kudos' when he listens well.
TJ asked Tom for a sucker. Tom said, "what color do you want?" TJ answered, " lavender". So Tom gave him a purple sucker [no lavender ones]. TJ can't resist teasing Lily dog, and stuck the sucker in front of her face, pulling it back just in time. Until..he didn't pull it back fast enough, and Lily was very happy dog. "WAAAAAAA", cried TJ. We had warned him that if he teased Lily with the sucker, she might get it. He did get another sucker AND he resisted teasing Lily with it.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
TJ pooped in the bathtub yesterday. The poor baby was mortified. Jes said, " it's ok TJ don't cry, I'll just clean you up." While Jes was cleaning his little poopy bottom, TJ said, " Mommy's trying to put poop back in." LOL
More and more TJ seems to be grasping the concept that different letters together make a word. He understands that d-o-g spells/means dog.
Today, while on the deck outside in his diaper only, he said, "diaper off please, so I can pee on bush." [We have been encouraging peeing on the bush.] A naked TJ peed on the bush 'twice' in the morning.
He used to love being outside, but I think the mosquito bites make him want to be in. He is playing out scenes from his 'Thomas the Tank Engine' DVD's with and without an audience [me].
More and more TJ seems to be grasping the concept that different letters together make a word. He understands that d-o-g spells/means dog.
Today, while on the deck outside in his diaper only, he said, "diaper off please, so I can pee on bush." [We have been encouraging peeing on the bush.] A naked TJ peed on the bush 'twice' in the morning.
He used to love being outside, but I think the mosquito bites make him want to be in. He is playing out scenes from his 'Thomas the Tank Engine' DVD's with and without an audience [me].
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Never look back.
I just watched an old movie called 'The Big Chill'. A bunch of late 30's former college friends throw together by the suicide of one of the group. All spending the weekend, telling each other how much they miss 'the good old days' of college and friendship. What a sad bunch. Maybe I'm missing something here, there is no time in my past life, that I would like to revisit. I like the past to stay in the 'past'. I live in the here and now. As long as my life has purpose, I will be a happy woman. My grandchildren are the frosting on the cake. I was too young when I had my children, and didn't do every thing right. I'm grateful for the chance to be an awesome 'GG' to my children's children. I found 'the fountain of youth' 'immortality'..... offspring. Everyday I have left in this life is 'The Big Kahona"!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Seems like throwing things is getting out of hand with my 2 year old Hunny Bunny [TJ]. I made TJ worry about my being mad at him, when I scolded him for throwing his red wooden stool. I certainly don't want that little boy worried about my love for him. Scolding seems like a loss of llove to him. After I reaffirmed that I loved him, TJ said "are you happy now?" A better way to handle throwing things, is to just remove the projectile and let him know that tossing anything besides a ball is not acceptable; all said and done without a hint of crossness. Anger is never a good option. The crazy thing is that I DID remove the 3 lbs hand weight that TJ was chucking [ it even made a dent in the faux wood floor] and put it up on the mantel where it was out of harms way. GG, " you drop that thing on your toe, and you will cry for a long time." I should have just removed the stool [and the truck] as smoothly as I removed the dumbbell. I have even been keeping Lily [my dog] away from TJ, because he can't resist pulling her tail. He loves to hug her, but it leads to pulling on parts of her that she doesn't want pulled.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
as told to me by Jes....
Last night TJ bit his Mom. Jes was very crabby and gave TJ a time out on the couch. TJ crying hard, " Mommy loves TJ, Mommy loves TJ, Mommy loves TJ. Mama puts TJ on the couch. Daddy puts TJ on the couch. GG doesn't put TJ on the couch, GG loves Hunny Bunny."
Today I took Hunny Bunny to get his hair cut. "Not today...thank you," said TJ. "Yes today TJ, it doesn't hurt. [He doesn't like the cut hair all over his face.] "No, thank you" said TJ. BJ has cut his hair 4-5 times before. He knows that BJ cuts his hair. "No, thank you". I sat TJ on my lap and BJ started to cut. Arms, hands and a head were flying all over with much crying. You would have thought BJ was pulling hair out one by one for all the drama. If there were any 'no thank you's among the crying, I was oblivious to it with just trying to get TJ's head still. After his hair cut BJ gave him a sucker. TJ told his mom later, " not a very good sucker."
Today I took Hunny Bunny to get his hair cut. "Not today...thank you," said TJ. "Yes today TJ, it doesn't hurt. [He doesn't like the cut hair all over his face.] "No, thank you" said TJ. BJ has cut his hair 4-5 times before. He knows that BJ cuts his hair. "No, thank you". I sat TJ on my lap and BJ started to cut. Arms, hands and a head were flying all over with much crying. You would have thought BJ was pulling hair out one by one for all the drama. If there were any 'no thank you's among the crying, I was oblivious to it with just trying to get TJ's head still. After his hair cut BJ gave him a sucker. TJ told his mom later, " not a very good sucker."
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Page 21) Feb 4, 1999
[Mackenzie almost 3]. " Kenzie, who is my best boy?" ...... "ME!"
Yesterday we played 'hide and seek'. You put your head on your hands, closed your eyes and counted to 10, while GG hid. You let Kelli look first, while you stood behind her. You are a great baseball player and quite a good pitcher. You are not even three yet, and can do your 'Thomas the Tank' puzzle all by yourself. It has 24 large pieces.
You like trains the best, and baseball, dancing, you sing everyday, movies and french fries. You can shut down the computer small job.
February 5th.
Tom had to go to the bathroom [we had just woken him up]. He started to pee. Kenzie on the hall side of the door, "Tom are you peeing?". Tom, "yeah buddy". [Pee hitting the water loudly].
Kenzie, pushing the door open, "are you sure?" Tom laughing, "very sure buddy".
One of your 'Barney' tapes has kids saying their alphabet in French which is similar but different a little and you are repeating the 'French' way.
February 5th.
We were walking to our car after visiting the Henry Ford Museum', I saw a very short 'stop sign' just off the curb and said, " Kenzie, go and touch the cute stop sign" "OK GG" You were the same size as the sign. "P-O-T-S; STOP" you said.
February 19th.
Soon you will be three. You are a very special and smart boy. You sing all the time. "I love you, you love me, we're a very happy family. With a great big hug and kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too", Recited as plain as day.
Also...."Go to sleep my baby, my baby, my're so beautiful to me; can't you see. You're everything I hoped for. You're everything I need. From 'The Little Raskels' movie.
'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.......'ABC'......You can recite word for word the three books Mom reads to you before bed.'
Your favorite color is 'green'.
Yesterday we played 'hide and seek'. You put your head on your hands, closed your eyes and counted to 10, while GG hid. You let Kelli look first, while you stood behind her. You are a great baseball player and quite a good pitcher. You are not even three yet, and can do your 'Thomas the Tank' puzzle all by yourself. It has 24 large pieces.
You like trains the best, and baseball, dancing, you sing everyday, movies and french fries. You can shut down the computer small job.
February 5th.
Tom had to go to the bathroom [we had just woken him up]. He started to pee. Kenzie on the hall side of the door, "Tom are you peeing?". Tom, "yeah buddy". [Pee hitting the water loudly].
Kenzie, pushing the door open, "are you sure?" Tom laughing, "very sure buddy".
One of your 'Barney' tapes has kids saying their alphabet in French which is similar but different a little and you are repeating the 'French' way.
February 5th.
We were walking to our car after visiting the Henry Ford Museum', I saw a very short 'stop sign' just off the curb and said, " Kenzie, go and touch the cute stop sign" "OK GG" You were the same size as the sign. "P-O-T-S; STOP" you said.
February 19th.
Soon you will be three. You are a very special and smart boy. You sing all the time. "I love you, you love me, we're a very happy family. With a great big hug and kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too", Recited as plain as day.
Also...."Go to sleep my baby, my baby, my're so beautiful to me; can't you see. You're everything I hoped for. You're everything I need. From 'The Little Raskels' movie.
'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.......'ABC'......You can recite word for word the three books Mom reads to you before bed.'
Your favorite color is 'green'.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Rich old men
Why can't Target have a gathering of 'Rich Old Men'? Say near the 'hardware' section. Rich old men need companionship too. I'd pick the one that smelled the best. We could watch a movie together or play cards. I'm not looking for dinner out or material things, but not worrying about the bills or where I will get the money for my next car would be nice. Sorry, I don't cook, but maybe the man will. Back scratches would be a bonus. As would being funny. I notice that 'personal' ads seem to stop at 55 or so. My mother remarried at 74 after being single for 45 years. I'm not sure she would recommend remarrying at that late age, but her kids can see that it helped ground her mentally to have someone to care about. I'm not lonely, just thinking. I love to read and take of my 7 birds [three cages], one dog and a cat. I like my freedom to go/do as I please. I like being 'needed' for TJ. "Looks like an upside down letter 'i'," said TJ, looking at an exclamation point. Maybe Starbucks should have a senior hour.....kind of like a 'happy hour' at a bar. LOL
Thursday, June 7, 2012
If you can't find TJ, head for the park.
My friend and I did 'breakfast' today. It was very nice to listen/talk to an adult that is NOT your family. Friends have other interesting things to talk about besides diapers/poop. So once in a while, I get the chance to have adult time. This time I have away from TJ, recharges my battery. TJ is 26 months old and can pedal a tricycle, if there is a gentle decline to the cement. His dad wants him to ride a 'balance' bike. The balance bike is very short, has two wheels and no pedals. Kids just 'walk' with the bike in between their legs. TJ loves it! Today I put him on the tricycle, but he was frustrated on the inclines. I took him into the garage to get the 'adult push' tricycle, so I could stand up straight while pushing him from behind. He wasn't having anything to do with it. He chose to straddle the balance bike and wear a helmet. He walked/straddled, up the street to the corner. "TJ do you want to turn around and go home", I asked. "No, TJ going to the park", he answered. We turned left. At the next corner, "TJ, do you want to go home?" " No, TJ going to the park" At the bridge, half way to the park. "TJ do you want to turn around and go back?" "No, TJ riding to the park". I'm thinking about the long walk back to the house, with a tired kid and a small black bike. I'm sure TJ wasn't thinking about the return trip. The bridge is over a small stream and it's down hill to it and uphill after it. The walk/bike ride down was just a matter of not letting gravity rip the bike away. The uphill was daunting. TJ, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" over and over until we were on top of the incline. During this 'no turning back' moment of the walk, I texted Jes to come and rescue me after her hair appointment. Thank goodness, this adventure to the park was AFTER her normal work hours. TJ just kept on trucking until we finally reached the park and................... I could push him on the swings. He knew EVERY correct turn/street to get to the park. [He did the ride/walk with Tom last Sunday]. "GG climb up the stairs?" There was a double slide that TJ wanted me to slide/race down with him. I won once, he won twice. I'm 62 years old/young. I'm tired. Thankfully just as TJ climbed back on his bike to return home, Jes pulled up into the lot. Did I mention that I had already pushed TJ on the neighbors swing and had been 'pushing' him [bent over] on his trike. I'm tired.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Mapmaker's Wife by Robert Whitaker
Well the title gives you an idea why I haven't blogged's a VERY interesting book. A true story with lots of historical background. I'm not a 'fiction' fan. I like stories based on truth. In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote; that kind of stuff. TJ's favorite books are; 'Things That Go', 'Train Song', 'Clifford the Big Red Dog', 'The Piggy in the Puddle', 'My Little Train'. Back to my book.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Thinking about the future
TJ wasn't well at the beginning of this week, he had a fever and acted sick. By Thursday he was feeling better so I took him back to the YMCA for his 'Play Room' time [about 45 minutes]. Two year olds play in the 'Red Room' and 3 years olds are in the 'Blue Room'. TJ went into the Red Room where Miss Sarah watches/plays with the 2 years olds. On Friday Miss Sarah said, " TJ is too mature for the 2 year old class, I moved him over to the 'Blue Room". I had asked Sarah the first day, if she would move TJ to the older class if he seemed too old for her class. I'm glad she did. And I'm sure TJ feels more comfortable. While TJ is playing in his "Play Room' I'm riding the stationary bike in the fitness room. So................., about the future.......TJ will probably need a different kind of learning then the 'Charlotte Schools' can offer. Their school rating is not very good. I can see private school or a move to a better school district in his future. That is the nice thing about 'renting' a house, flexibility!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Xtra special day.
Today TJ seemed to notice and care for me. While sitting on the arm of the rocking chair that I was sitting in, TJ bent over a 'looked' into my face. Then he proceeded to touch my hair, face, shoulders, arm and chest. It seemed very much that he was 'seeing' me for the first time. I wasn't just 'GG', it felt like he was seeing a person that meant a lot to him. What a wonderful boy. While I was reading to him, the next book said "to Ginny". I asked TJ, "who's Ginny?" He pointed back ward to me!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Feeling guilty.
My ID keeps telling me to blog, but my brain and procrastination gene keep me away.
It has been one week since I last blogged. What in the world would be interesting enough to write about. My past? Seems boring/ don't care to think about it. The present? Not very interesting. The future? I had all Friday, all Saturday, all Sunday, all Monday and most of today [Tuesday] to write. I even forgot to blog from Mack's journal on Sunday. It would seem that my life was so busy/fascinating, that I didn't have time to blog..... not true. I try to live in the moment, to smell the roses. And it is usually important to have something to look forward to. Even if it is just yard sailing on Saturday morning. It is something I enjoy very much. I enjoy taking my dog for a walk. Reading a good book [non-fiction] passes the non TJ time. I like the Internet for all the information it has, but the flashing ads are annoying. Have I wasted my life? Probably not. I raised two lovely children despite adverse conditions. My two lovely children have given me two incredible grandsons that I have had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with. And, if I'm VERY lucky............. I might get to see a great grandchild or two. I didn't preform brain surgery, go to college, write a great novel, see the world, or solve war. But, I got to raise my children myself and help them raise two extraordinary boys!
It has been one week since I last blogged. What in the world would be interesting enough to write about. My past? Seems boring/ don't care to think about it. The present? Not very interesting. The future? I had all Friday, all Saturday, all Sunday, all Monday and most of today [Tuesday] to write. I even forgot to blog from Mack's journal on Sunday. It would seem that my life was so busy/fascinating, that I didn't have time to blog..... not true. I try to live in the moment, to smell the roses. And it is usually important to have something to look forward to. Even if it is just yard sailing on Saturday morning. It is something I enjoy very much. I enjoy taking my dog for a walk. Reading a good book [non-fiction] passes the non TJ time. I like the Internet for all the information it has, but the flashing ads are annoying. Have I wasted my life? Probably not. I raised two lovely children despite adverse conditions. My two lovely children have given me two incredible grandsons that I have had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with. And, if I'm VERY lucky............. I might get to see a great grandchild or two. I didn't preform brain surgery, go to college, write a great novel, see the world, or solve war. But, I got to raise my children myself and help them raise two extraordinary boys!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It is so warm in NC
Yes it was cold. Yes it did get windy cold. Yes I had to clean frost off my car windows before I could go anywhere. BUT... it has been warm/sort of hot, for so long that it feels like summer has been here for a long time. I'm sure this feeling is just a northern person thing. I can't wrap it around my head, that it is still just SPRING! Oh my! I may just get tired of summer. Bite my tongue. I never thought I would say THAT. Summer always seemed too short. By the time it was 4th of July, it was half gone. Don't get me started on summer solstice. I liked summer better when I was a kid and new nothing about the longest/shortest daylight time of year. The days of shorter daylight starting JUNE 22nd, seems like a cruel trick. TJ and I went to the apartment pool today for the first time. He was bundled up in a swim vest and had a difficult time just walking up and down two steps - with a hand rail. Dang, the bathtub is more fun. No intense sunshine, no sunscreen, no too deep water, NO CLOTHES, and lots of toys and markers to draw on the tub/skin. Luckily a pretty young woman, volunteered to rescue the toy dump truck that TJ decided to throw further out into the water than I wanted to go. TJ must have said a dozen 'thank yous' to the savior. I think he was really hoping that she would follow him home. TJ and Mack both luv women/girls. Mack's first crush was Wendy in the 'Sandlot' movie. Wendy was a life guard and cute. Mack was 2 or 2 1/2 when he had his first crush. In Kindergarten, he gave Hannah a ring. So sweet. TJ started his first day at 'Play Room' at the YMCA today. No separation anxiety. Yeh
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Page 20) January 2, 1999 Happy New Year!
I wish I could hug and kiss you all the time!
Jan 4th
You are a sick baby boy. I took you to the doctors today and she [DR. Dagnew] found a very bad ear infection. While we were waiting, in the waiting room, I was singing a song I made up about the 'train' that was painted on the ceiling. There was a red engine, a green tender and a yellow passenger car.
"yellow car yellow car
following the tender
following the engine
yellow car yellow car
Where are you going engine?
I'm going to Chicago.
yellow car
Why are you going to Chicago?
to see the aquarium
yellow car
Does the aquarium have sharks?
Yes the aquarium has sharks
me too me too said yellow car."
Kenzie, you skipped so happily down the hallway, that it was burned onto my memory. I can still see the carefree/joyful little boy you were."
Jan 26, 1999
Today you went to the doctor with GG and Aunt Kathryn. GG's turn to see the doctor. I had to go into a room and watch a video and you had to stay in the waiting room with A. Kathryn. When I left the waiting room to watch the video, you cried and cried. I forgot to hug and kiss you so I came back into the waiting room to hug and kiss you and tell you that I would be right back. {I was only gone 1 minute}. You wrapped your arms around my neck and said, " I miss you GG. I miss you" What a sweetheart!
Jan 4th
You are a sick baby boy. I took you to the doctors today and she [DR. Dagnew] found a very bad ear infection. While we were waiting, in the waiting room, I was singing a song I made up about the 'train' that was painted on the ceiling. There was a red engine, a green tender and a yellow passenger car.
"yellow car yellow car
following the tender
following the engine
yellow car yellow car
Where are you going engine?
I'm going to Chicago.
yellow car
Why are you going to Chicago?
to see the aquarium
yellow car
Does the aquarium have sharks?
Yes the aquarium has sharks
me too me too said yellow car."
Kenzie, you skipped so happily down the hallway, that it was burned onto my memory. I can still see the carefree/joyful little boy you were."
Jan 26, 1999
Today you went to the doctor with GG and Aunt Kathryn. GG's turn to see the doctor. I had to go into a room and watch a video and you had to stay in the waiting room with A. Kathryn. When I left the waiting room to watch the video, you cried and cried. I forgot to hug and kiss you so I came back into the waiting room to hug and kiss you and tell you that I would be right back. {I was only gone 1 minute}. You wrapped your arms around my neck and said, " I miss you GG. I miss you" What a sweetheart!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
All is well.
Yesterday I did myself a favor and had a routine colonoscopy. The cutest doctor came in and I asked him if I could take him home. All is well with the triple header [pap, mamo, colon]. I'm a very fortunate women to get to 62 and still be in good health [minor aches and pain]. I'm not done being useful to my family and friends. Being a little more eccentric seems to come with age/ diminished hormones. Speaking of aches and pains, I would like to try medical weed. I think I'll ask my GP doctor next time I see him [also very cute].
Peachy the canary should be having chicks hatch next week, if any of the four eggs she has been sitting on for 10 days are fertile. Elliot the male canary in the cage with her, paces back and forth on a perch, looking out of a window. Maybe he is guarding Peachy. There has been reciprocal feeding in the all male parakeet [3] cage. I think they are confused. I'm beginning to wonder if I have a female parrotlet in the cage with the male. The foster dad said she was due to have eggs [not] when I got them last year. This spring, not one egg. Female birds will lay eggs even without a male bird around.. the eggs are just not fertile. As you might have added up, I have seven birds. They make lovely noises. All is well.
Peachy the canary should be having chicks hatch next week, if any of the four eggs she has been sitting on for 10 days are fertile. Elliot the male canary in the cage with her, paces back and forth on a perch, looking out of a window. Maybe he is guarding Peachy. There has been reciprocal feeding in the all male parakeet [3] cage. I think they are confused. I'm beginning to wonder if I have a female parrotlet in the cage with the male. The foster dad said she was due to have eggs [not] when I got them last year. This spring, not one egg. Female birds will lay eggs even without a male bird around.. the eggs are just not fertile. As you might have added up, I have seven birds. They make lovely noises. All is well.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Life with TJ is a journey.......we're not in any rush to get there - we are living in the moment. I guess, small children are the best at living in the moment - stop and smell the roses. Many of us would be happier, if we didn't think about the past or worry about the future. TJ; money - no - no worry..... bills - no worry......past mistakes - no worry. True there are many things that are scary because they are not understood, but there is nothing like a warm loving parent/GG to make you feel safe. So we live life moment to moment. No time line - no dead lines - no one is waiting for us. We do smell the flowers, bugs, birds, clouds, rocks [especially rocks] sticks, weeds and everything and anything. TJ made a big leap in socialization today. A neighbor girl [3] was playing at GG's house. When she touched a toy, TJ's first reaction was one of astonishment at the injustice of it all. Then he sat down and played with the same puzzle as the girl. HE SHARED one of his very own toys. Bigger kids have taken away his things and he was very touchy about children touching his things. Very often TJ would hoard as much as he could possibly hold so no one would take them.
Peachy [canary] has been sitting on four eggs for a week now. Maybe we will have baby birds next week.
Peachy [canary] has been sitting on four eggs for a week now. Maybe we will have baby birds next week.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Trains in the sky.
While driving today with TJ in the back child seat, he said, " train in the sky". Sure enough, the cloud right in front of us was in the shape of a train engine..........using lots of imagination. TJ pushed the pedals on his tricycle today. The grade of the sidewalk was perfect [one way] to help him. He looks at his feet instead of where he is going. Before, if you asked him if he wanted to ride his bike, he said,"no thank you". This time he saw it in the trunk of my 'Mercury', and said "please" rubbing his chest in ASL for 'please'. We were at the park when he saw it in the trunk. "TJ, what does P-a-r-k spell?" "Park", he says. "What does 'G-o' spell". "Go" he says. It would be very hard to describe what it was like to eat lunch at a restaurant with a tired 2 year old. There wasn't any whining or crying, he stayed on the booth bench, but squirm, talk, fidget, and cling to me he did. I was too hungry to pay too much attention to his antsy, except when he balanced himself between the booth back and the table by putting his shoes against the table edge. That way he could be suspended off the seat. TJ is having a difficult time learning to share. If he thinks another child might even 'think' about playing with what he has, he gathers everything up into his arms [like train cars], and then is unable to enjoy playing. LOL Children come into the world so uncivilized. What a joy to show/teach them to become a member of a civilized culture.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Page 19) Christmas 1998
You [Kenzie} love everything about x-mas: the lights [you helped GG put the outside lights up], the candy canes, the decorations, the icing for cookies, the "Merry Christmas", the x-mas books, you even found x-mas on one the the many "Thomas" tapes. You know the x-mas colors are 'red & green'. I made your name out of red and green cookie dough. Mackenzie, " Two 'E's grandma". You wouldn't wait for Mama to come home to see it. You ate a keg off letter 'A'.
We play 'wrestle you', chase around the house with me hiding sometimes, trains [a lot], baseball, coloring [color shirt], play dough [with GG making a train engine] and Legos - we like castles.
Dec 26th
You get to see all your cousins, but Diedra is your favorite. Kenzie, " take Diedra home to sleep in my tent" [you just got a new tent for x-mas]. Every time Diedra was out of your sight.... "where's Diedra?" Diedra is Aunt Pam's youngest girl of four girls. She has red hair and is very pretty. You asked all night to take her home. It seemed like you were 'in love' with her at 2 3/4 years old; she's a little old for you at 13.
You wore your special red 'train' sweater today; there is an engine with smoke on the front , on one side. And a caboose on the front, other side and freight cars on the back. The train is at the bottom of the sweater and looks like it travels around your body. The sweater has a 'V' neck and special zipper instead of buttons.
Aunt Debbie [Uncle Mike's wife] has a 'beautiful' engine ornament on her x-mas tree. You saw it and wanted to hold it. A little later, when you and mom were getting ready to leave, Aunt Debbie let you hold the engine ornament. When she took it back and hung it on the tree you cried and cried. She asked you if you would trade 'GORDON" [your favorite engine, you had in your hand] for the ornament and you said 'yes' to every ones surprise. NO ONE thought that you would trade 'GORDON' [engine] for anything.
We play 'wrestle you', chase around the house with me hiding sometimes, trains [a lot], baseball, coloring [color shirt], play dough [with GG making a train engine] and Legos - we like castles.
Dec 26th
You get to see all your cousins, but Diedra is your favorite. Kenzie, " take Diedra home to sleep in my tent" [you just got a new tent for x-mas]. Every time Diedra was out of your sight.... "where's Diedra?" Diedra is Aunt Pam's youngest girl of four girls. She has red hair and is very pretty. You asked all night to take her home. It seemed like you were 'in love' with her at 2 3/4 years old; she's a little old for you at 13.
You wore your special red 'train' sweater today; there is an engine with smoke on the front , on one side. And a caboose on the front, other side and freight cars on the back. The train is at the bottom of the sweater and looks like it travels around your body. The sweater has a 'V' neck and special zipper instead of buttons.
Aunt Debbie [Uncle Mike's wife] has a 'beautiful' engine ornament on her x-mas tree. You saw it and wanted to hold it. A little later, when you and mom were getting ready to leave, Aunt Debbie let you hold the engine ornament. When she took it back and hung it on the tree you cried and cried. She asked you if you would trade 'GORDON" [your favorite engine, you had in your hand] for the ornament and you said 'yes' to every ones surprise. NO ONE thought that you would trade 'GORDON' [engine] for anything.
Friday, May 11, 2012
With luv from India..
There are many Indian families living in my apartment complex. I have met 2 young mothers, Priya and Srividya. Pryia has two daughters Honey [3] and Harshita 22 months. Harshita is going to the same preschool as TJ in September. Srividya has a 2 1/2 yr old boy and is expecting her next baby any day now. Her son, Ashwad, is also going to the same preschool. TJ will have two friends in his class. That will make things easier for him. He seems to understand that he is going to preschool. The giants in his life are talking about it. Pryia cooked some fried rice for me. She made it not too spicy......... ooohhh my mouth was hot. Tom and Jes would like it. Their cooking is too spicy for me. Pryia and Srividya are not from the same Indian state and can only talk to each other in English!
TJ has been singing songs to himself. They must be stuck in his head. Twinkle twinkle little star, Intsy bitsy spider, This old man, Rockin Robin and just today - Bingo. TJ counted 21, 22, etc to 29. He is aware of 'thinking'. I asked him where his Auntie San was.... "I'm thinking" he said. TJ stood on a stool and said, "skateboard". He is getting really great at 'pretending' and making up stories for his cars, trucks and trains. When I wanted to diaper him, after his bath, he said, " diaper on baby doll". Baby doll had taken a bath with him. Then he wanted to give her 'milk'. I didn't know where her baby bottle was. His baby doll is a girl. TJ asks me to read the book, "Things that Go" all the time.
Garage sales tomorrow.................... last week I bought a pair of toddler girls boots made by Stride Rite for $1, took a picture of them and listed them 'for sale' on Ebay. The bid is up to $26.50. I luv this hobby!
TJ has been singing songs to himself. They must be stuck in his head. Twinkle twinkle little star, Intsy bitsy spider, This old man, Rockin Robin and just today - Bingo. TJ counted 21, 22, etc to 29. He is aware of 'thinking'. I asked him where his Auntie San was.... "I'm thinking" he said. TJ stood on a stool and said, "skateboard". He is getting really great at 'pretending' and making up stories for his cars, trucks and trains. When I wanted to diaper him, after his bath, he said, " diaper on baby doll". Baby doll had taken a bath with him. Then he wanted to give her 'milk'. I didn't know where her baby bottle was. His baby doll is a girl. TJ asks me to read the book, "Things that Go" all the time.
Garage sales tomorrow.................... last week I bought a pair of toddler girls boots made by Stride Rite for $1, took a picture of them and listed them 'for sale' on Ebay. The bid is up to $26.50. I luv this hobby!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Arugla does not make a good smoothie.
Almost every evening I make a green smoothie. Take juice and an apple or pineapple and fresh or frozen spinach, blend well. Do not add arugula bought at the farm market to make arugula pesto that is not getting fresher by the day, so you add it to the above mentioned smoothie..................yuck. Way to peppery to eat in such quantity. So I added a blueberry Greek yogurt thinking that it would tame the taste [somewhat]. Well I ate it [14 grams of protein were NOT going to waste]. I'm pretty creative about not throwing away food. I maybe throw away 5% of what I buy. Nice to have a dog who eats anything. Lily...... Arugula. Today my little grandson TJ, counted his trucks that were lined up against the hearth. He has counted them before, but a big person was pointing to each truck. Without being asked to count, TJ started with one [and two and three and four.etc] touching each truck as he said a number. He does put the 'and' between numbers, funny guy. The amazing thing is no one asked him to count his trucks and he got to fifteen [last one] without missing a number or truck!
TJ, "I'm sitting on my knees".
GG, " I'm sitting on my butt and Lily is sitting on her butt. Dogs have a very small butts"
TJ, " GG has a bug butt!" like I said................funny guy!
TJ, "I'm sitting on my knees".
GG, " I'm sitting on my butt and Lily is sitting on her butt. Dogs have a very small butts"
TJ, " GG has a bug butt!" like I said................funny guy!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Page 18) 12-8-98
You asked to see Santa, so we took you. We asked you what you would ask Santa for Xmas. "Gordon". Gordon is a train engine from 'Thomas the Tank Engine'. You are train crazy. It is so nice to see you like something very very much.
Today we went to 'Greenfield Village' and you charmed everyone you talked to. You are a very wonderful, delightful boy. You want to 'wrestle' with GG; so we do. Also chasing GG around the house is a favorite game. Sometimes I hide, but you like that too...........Boo!
You like 'Babe' the movie and pig toys. We were at the library last week and picked out a pink pig puppet and asked me if you could take it home. I said "I don't know, we will have to ask the woman at the desk" When we were checking out the books, you [with the puppet on your hand], said to the woman, " please, may I take the pig home?" "yes, the puppet has a check out card". You understand that the puppet goes back to the library. You asked me a couple days later if you could have the frog when the pig goes back.
You also like the 'Little Rascals' especially baby 'Spanky'.
You know all your letters well. Today you saw, spelled and understood your first word 'OPEN'. It was on a store [door]. You are 2 3/4 yrs old.
We went to a children's play, music, dance tonight in Wyandotte. You loved it! 80 kids singing and dancing from 3-4 to 18 yrs old. You didn't want to go home. I took you looking at x-mas lights.
My special boy. You are so clever. Kenzie,...... " a freight train, a freight train, a freight train. Oh! the shame of it" .... from 'Thomas the Tank Engine; Gordon [the big blue engine] talking.
You are trying very hard to use the correct words in sentences; I am, you are, and they do; You're not even three yet!
I remembered [from last x-mas] you were awed by the 5 year old boys [2] singing about cars and girls. You couldn't take you eyes off the 10 girls in their gold red and green shiny dresses. "I want to see it again, GG".
We went to see Santa again [you asked to] last Friday at Henry Ford Museum.
Santa to you, "what do you want for x-mas?" Kenzie, "Gordon".
Today we went to 'Greenfield Village' and you charmed everyone you talked to. You are a very wonderful, delightful boy. You want to 'wrestle' with GG; so we do. Also chasing GG around the house is a favorite game. Sometimes I hide, but you like that too...........Boo!
You like 'Babe' the movie and pig toys. We were at the library last week and picked out a pink pig puppet and asked me if you could take it home. I said "I don't know, we will have to ask the woman at the desk" When we were checking out the books, you [with the puppet on your hand], said to the woman, " please, may I take the pig home?" "yes, the puppet has a check out card". You understand that the puppet goes back to the library. You asked me a couple days later if you could have the frog when the pig goes back.
You also like the 'Little Rascals' especially baby 'Spanky'.
You know all your letters well. Today you saw, spelled and understood your first word 'OPEN'. It was on a store [door]. You are 2 3/4 yrs old.
We went to a children's play, music, dance tonight in Wyandotte. You loved it! 80 kids singing and dancing from 3-4 to 18 yrs old. You didn't want to go home. I took you looking at x-mas lights.
My special boy. You are so clever. Kenzie,...... " a freight train, a freight train, a freight train. Oh! the shame of it" .... from 'Thomas the Tank Engine; Gordon [the big blue engine] talking.
You are trying very hard to use the correct words in sentences; I am, you are, and they do; You're not even three yet!
I remembered [from last x-mas] you were awed by the 5 year old boys [2] singing about cars and girls. You couldn't take you eyes off the 10 girls in their gold red and green shiny dresses. "I want to see it again, GG".
We went to see Santa again [you asked to] last Friday at Henry Ford Museum.
Santa to you, "what do you want for x-mas?" Kenzie, "Gordon".
Friday, May 4, 2012
Last night/This morning
Another 'potty' dream; this one involved my grandson Mack, his friend Charles,their shenanigans thwarting my search,a car wash, a stroller, a hair salon [reoccurring theme], the women's room being out of order, a restaurant, a handsome man wanting me to stop and eat dinner [another reoccurring theme: not the eating but a man wanting me], buying underwear, looking for the men's room but can't find it, crossing busy streets thinking the restroom will be over there and an intestinal virus that makes it necessary to buy new under wear that some how ends outside my shorts and costs $10. + tax. I'm tired before I wake up.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Took a cruise AGAIN last night.
There are dreams and...................there are 'potty' dreams. When my body knows that I should relieve the pressure building up in my bladder, my brain decides to send me 'potty' dreams. Missing boarding a cruise ship is a favorite of my brain. Can't find my luggage, don't have the 'right' clothes, can't figure out how to get to the dock, can't remember what ship I'm supposed to be on. Invariably the is someone, on board ship that is getting mad at me for being so late. If it is not a cruise ship, another favorite of my grey matter, is losing my homework, forgetting where my classroom is, can't remember what my locker number is [nobody mad except me]. My all time favorite 'potty' dream, involves not being able to find a bathroom. They're broken, they're not where somebody told me they were. These are the three favorite of my brain. Any dream where I can't accomplish something, is a 'potty' dream. It seems like hours that I'm frustrated, confused and desperate. But.......I eventually get up and pee.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
WTM [muck]
This morning I had my small pile of 2 business cards, drivers license, credit card, debit card, picture, library card, and health card that I keep in my left back pocket. [No purse]. Just before I was going into my apartment, I stopped and talked to a maintenance worker. I reached into my pocket [taking the whole pile out] to give him a business card so he could install a ceiling fan. It ended up that he wanted me to call the office and put in a work order. I didn't hand Wyatt my business card. Tonight I stopped at the store for hummus, grabbed an empty bag and felt my back pocket for my credit card..................... it wasn't there. The only thing in my card pocket was the single business card that I was going to give Wyatt. Other back pocket - empty. Front pockets - left, phone - right, empty. Hip pocket [cargo shorts] - empty. Where in the world is my pile of cards??????
To be continued................................
Turns out they were on Tom's kitchen table. I have no idea how they got there. Meanwhile I cancelled my Credit Card & Debit Card...just to be safe. I luvd that credit card number. It was in my head...I took it everywhere. You might think that if Tom saw my stuff last night that he would have sent a text message, just so I wouldn't worry.
To be continued................................
Turns out they were on Tom's kitchen table. I have no idea how they got there. Meanwhile I cancelled my Credit Card & Debit Card...just to be safe. I luvd that credit card number. It was in my head...I took it everywhere. You might think that if Tom saw my stuff last night that he would have sent a text message, just so I wouldn't worry.
Monday, April 30, 2012
No, thank you.
TJ is 25 months old tomorrow and some one [ones] have been teaching him to be polite.
GG, "TJ do you want some more orange?" TJ, " no thank you."
GG, " TJ do you want to watch a 'Thomas" DVD? TJ, "no thank you." Amazing!
And he ASKS if he can do something, "can I put the truck into the water?" "yes, TJ and thank you for asking".
He was counting his 'Hot Wheel' cars. Not perfect but very close. Up to seventeen.
TJ put a clear empty cookie tub on his head and then wore it for a while.
He thinks chasing Lily the dog around the house with a plastic truck is most hilarious. He laughs uproariously when he startles her. If I say "TJ!" he leans over to give her a big hug.
GG, "TJ do you want some more orange?" TJ, " no thank you."
GG, " TJ do you want to watch a 'Thomas" DVD? TJ, "no thank you." Amazing!
And he ASKS if he can do something, "can I put the truck into the water?" "yes, TJ and thank you for asking".
He was counting his 'Hot Wheel' cars. Not perfect but very close. Up to seventeen.
TJ put a clear empty cookie tub on his head and then wore it for a while.
He thinks chasing Lily the dog around the house with a plastic truck is most hilarious. He laughs uproariously when he startles her. If I say "TJ!" he leans over to give her a big hug.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Page 17) Kenzie is 2 1/2..... 9-5-98
Kenzie on the phone:" talk, talk talk....... Bye see you later OK?"
Kenzie after being given something: "OH, thank you"
If I suggest something "let's play trains..." you say, "good IDEA"
Happy Halloween! You are dressed as a firefighter this year. Tom was here passing out candy. I am so proud of you! You are only 2 and 3/4 years old and can move the mouse/arrow on the computer. you can get the cursor on anything you want. You luv the program "Just Grandma and me" You didn't like us to read to you when you were little, but I found the 'Little Critter" books by Mercer Mayer and now I can read to you all the time.
We [you and I] have been playing 'pig pile' for a long time. Grandma and Kelli or Tom or anyone will lay down and 'pile' on top of each other. The bottom person [pig] has to say 'oink' to get the other pigs off.
While I was on vacation last week, I found a heavy sculpture that was three pigs standing on top of each other. I bought it for you because it was the 'perfect' 'pig pile'. [Drawing of sculpture]. I missed you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much while I was on vacation. You are special, funny, kind, sweet, smart, strong, and wonderful. You luv the movie "Babe"
You stayed with Dawn [mom's friend] while I was on vacation. I watch you every day your mom goes to work. You were not happy staying with 'Dawn'. "I don't like your kitchen, I like my Grandma's kitchen."
Mom said you slept in her bed for a month after I went on vacation, sorry.
We went to 'Frankenmouth' on a city bus [your first time on ANY bus]. You were excited. Kenzie, " Mama, you, me on the city bus."
Kenzie after being given something: "OH, thank you"
If I suggest something "let's play trains..." you say, "good IDEA"
Happy Halloween! You are dressed as a firefighter this year. Tom was here passing out candy. I am so proud of you! You are only 2 and 3/4 years old and can move the mouse/arrow on the computer. you can get the cursor on anything you want. You luv the program "Just Grandma and me" You didn't like us to read to you when you were little, but I found the 'Little Critter" books by Mercer Mayer and now I can read to you all the time.
We [you and I] have been playing 'pig pile' for a long time. Grandma and Kelli or Tom or anyone will lay down and 'pile' on top of each other. The bottom person [pig] has to say 'oink' to get the other pigs off.
While I was on vacation last week, I found a heavy sculpture that was three pigs standing on top of each other. I bought it for you because it was the 'perfect' 'pig pile'. [Drawing of sculpture]. I missed you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much while I was on vacation. You are special, funny, kind, sweet, smart, strong, and wonderful. You luv the movie "Babe"
You stayed with Dawn [mom's friend] while I was on vacation. I watch you every day your mom goes to work. You were not happy staying with 'Dawn'. "I don't like your kitchen, I like my Grandma's kitchen."
Mom said you slept in her bed for a month after I went on vacation, sorry.
We went to 'Frankenmouth' on a city bus [your first time on ANY bus]. You were excited. Kenzie, " Mama, you, me on the city bus."
Saturday, April 28, 2012
On the way into the bird store [for bird food], TJ spotted grocery shopping carts outside a store. A grocery store named FOOD LION was near the bird store. I told TJ that we could go into the food store after we bought bird food. After being scared have to death by an uncaged blue Macaw, we left the bird store $25 dollars poorer. I hope my parrotlets are thrilled with food that costs more than porterhouse steak! True to my promise [he didn't forget and again saw the shopping carts], we walked over to the carts. They had three kinds; regular with a seat for a child, a smaller cart - no child seat and a big blue kid front facing [I thought he had said "blue cart" before]. TJ chose the no child seat smaller cart. GG, " TJ that one doesn't have a 'child seat'". LOL! HE wanted the one HE could push. So into the store we marched, with the 2 year old steering the cart. First stop the produce section. TJ picked up an apple and put into the cart and preceded to do the same with a couple of oranges, bananas, grapes, and tomatoes! What a wonderful sight.... a 30 inch shopper who pushed his own cart and knew exactly what he wanted to buy.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Today's theme was inspired by Lily, my dog. I took TJ and Lily to the play park. We were the first to arrive, so I let Lily wander around - leash still attached. When she roams too far, I call her back closer to me. She may or may not listen. Today 'not'. When she got right to the edge of the trees and wouldn't listen to my calling her, I skipped right over and stood on her leash so she couldn't get into the woods. I led her back to the swing area and tied her to a bench. I explained to TJ that Lily had to stay tethered - she lost her 'freedom' - because she didn't listen and come back when I called her. "Just like when you don't stop doing something - like throwing books, and I have to put you in a time out. If you don't listen, you loose your 'freedom'.
Speaking of woods.... the 'honeysuckle' is wonderful. I don't remember 'honeysuckle' from my childhood. I remember smelling 'lilacs'. The first flower I noticed was purple Irises. My maternal grandmother had 'double french' lilacs. They sounded so special.
Speaking of woods.... the 'honeysuckle' is wonderful. I don't remember 'honeysuckle' from my childhood. I remember smelling 'lilacs'. The first flower I noticed was purple Irises. My maternal grandmother had 'double french' lilacs. They sounded so special.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
TJ said, "I love you"
The theme for today seems be water. The day started with TJ in the bathtub playing with tub paint and crayons. The baby gets painted as much as the walls of the tub. Tub art, I luv it! I don't know why, but I like to let the water run slowly into the bath. It take 15-20 minutes for it to reach navel high. When TJ turns into a prune it's time for a complete towel wrap, rocking and a song. 'Rock a bye baby'. The routine ends with me dumping [baby will fall] TJ on the bed. I have and will continue to wrap TJ in a towel and sing until I can no longer pick him up or modesty prevails. Which ever comes first. [I started this tradition with baby Mack]. I doubt M. remembers. After the bath I took TJ to 'Discovery Kids' in Huntersville NC. It is a giant museum just for kids with a train table, fire truck, building materials, stage, kid size cafe and grocery store. I forgot to mention water tables............. many water tables. In the car over, "TJ, no water play today. You just colored in the tub for an hour, and I don't have a extra shirt, if you get all wet." I did have extra pants. [They do provide water 'aprons' which I discovered are totally useless for keeping kids dry]. Well I suppose you have figured out what attracted TJ the most.... First his long sleeves got wet, [I had pushed the up.] then the front of the shirt and at the end there was a quarter size dry spot on the very back. And the pants were soaked in front. Well he did have a great time. I took the shirt off and put on the vest/jacket TJ wore over his shirt [I had removed it as it got warmer]. We ate lunch across the street and returned to the scene of the flood. TJ did visit many other play areas including the art room [he is smitten with scissors]. All and all we had a great time at 'Discovery kids' TJ asked for a vending machine juice when we were leaving. He wanted to put the dollar into the slot. So I pulled over a chair [TJ weighs 30 #s], he reached up and slid the money into the slot. I told him he could drink the apple juice when he was buckled into his car seat. While I was strapping him in he said [out of the blue] "I love you".
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
To the Rescue.
Everyday that I'm with TJ, I try to emphasize one concept. Today it was 'to the rescue'. I'm quite sure the concept has been introduced to him through his 'Thomas the Train' DVDs. I brought up the subject while we were playing at the park in the sandbox. A few feet away, one of his small trucks was turned on its side. I said, 'TJ, push the big dump truck over to the small overturned truck. Dump truck to the RESCUE!". [We were at the park 4 hours today.] Then I remembered that my car wouldn't start [broken] yesterday. I said, " remember my broken Mercury yesterday? The tow truck and tow truck driver came to the rescue. They fixed my car." Later today, before it was time to go home........... I was reading TJ a book that I had not read to him before. Wouldn't you know it, [from 'Stuart Little'] Snowbell the white cat rescues Stuart the mouse.
From out of the blue, TJ said," Sophie [my daughters dog] ate my new Woody/Buzz ball." This happened in Feb/March in Michigan. It's been 6 weeks since he has seen Sandy or Sophie.
From out of the blue, TJ said," Sophie [my daughters dog] ate my new Woody/Buzz ball." This happened in Feb/March in Michigan. It's been 6 weeks since he has seen Sandy or Sophie.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
I'm not a fan of TV, but I will watch a movie once in a while. I get them from the library, Goodwill and garage sales. After I watch them, I donate them to the library. Everybody wins except the produces of the movie. I have a cat, Speedy, that Mack picked out from a shelter when he was younger. And a dog, Lily, that I went to Ohio to retrieve from an overcrowded shelter. Everybody wanting to adopt a dog, overlooked her, because she seemed a bit scattered. [Life in a cage will do that to you.]. A cat and a dog don't make much noise. So....................... I thought - A BIRD - would make nice noises to fill my quiet days. Well..... the green Parrotlets came as a set; Pauly and Emma. They are not very noisy. So I thought .... get a canary, a male canary will sing beautifully. I answered an ad for - 3 canaries [with cage] - $60. Much to my chagrin, the three canaries WERE NOT canaries at all.... they were 3 parrakeets [budgies]. Parakeets make sounds and can learn to talk. "I'm NOT paying $60. for birds that were advertised as 'canaries'. $40. later [sympathy buy], I have an apartment full of noise. I still wanted canaries, the male sings a wonderful song. To make a long story short, I adopted Elliot and Peachy from a bird fancier. 7 birds and much noise later, I'm a happy renter. Maybe Elliot will teach the other birds to sing a canary song. Wouldn't that be nice.
In the ongoing saga of Peachy the canary: she tried AGAIN to nest [lay an egg]
in the seed cup. Being the intelligent, wise and resourceful human
that I am, I decided to switch the seed/water cups..................being the
stubborn canary that she is, Peachy put nesting material in the WATER. I gave up
and bought her a nest made out of bamboo [how could she resist?]. I lined the
nest with a HANDMADE crocheted cotton liner [see picture] [canary site says...
felt...DO YOU KNOW WHAT FLT IS MADE FROM????? Recycled PLASTICS bottles yuk.
Pittuey! ] No PLASTIC FELT for MY bird! I hung the arrestable cotton lined nest
in the darkest safest corner of the bird cage as recommend. Elliot looked at it
- Peachy would not go near it. [More nesting material the the water. OK OK YOU
WIN. I removed the water cup and repositioned the nest to be EXACTLY where her
little bird brain insisted she deposit her eggs. Sheese. As you can see from
the pictures, she has approved of the position of the nest by bringing white
shredded cotton-fluff into it. The canary site says that only the female builds
the nest, seems sexist to me. What does the male contribute to the procreation
of baby birds? Fine ------ he sings....big deal!
In the ongoing saga of Peachy the canary: she tried AGAIN to nest [lay an egg]
in the seed cup. Being the intelligent, wise and resourceful human
that I am, I decided to switch the seed/water cups..................being the
stubborn canary that she is, Peachy put nesting material in the WATER. I gave up
and bought her a nest made out of bamboo [how could she resist?]. I lined the
nest with a HANDMADE crocheted cotton liner [see picture] [canary site says...
felt...DO YOU KNOW WHAT FLT IS MADE FROM????? Recycled PLASTICS bottles yuk.
Pittuey! ] No PLASTIC FELT for MY bird! I hung the arrestable cotton lined nest
in the darkest safest corner of the bird cage as recommend. Elliot looked at it
- Peachy would not go near it. [More nesting material the the water. OK OK YOU
WIN. I removed the water cup and repositioned the nest to be EXACTLY where her
little bird brain insisted she deposit her eggs. Sheese. As you can see from
the pictures, she has approved of the position of the nest by bringing white
shredded cotton-fluff into it. The canary site says that only the female builds
the nest, seems sexist to me. What does the male contribute to the procreation
of baby birds? Fine ------ he sings....big deal!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
"I don't know"
I taught TJ to say "I don't know" with hand signs. Usually, when he is stumped for the answer, he just says...hrump.. kinda in his throat. He learned to say "me" a few months ago, to the question "who is it" preceded by knock knock on the bathroom door. He started by saying 'TJ' to "who is it?"but, once I told him to say "me", he never said "TJ" again. Pronouns are not the easiest thing for little ones. TJ says 'Thomas' [the tank engine] every day of his life now. While out with his dad, someone official ask Tom is name.......Tom said, "Thomas." TJ was surprised to find out that his Dad {Tom} had the same name as 'Thomas the tank Engine.' Every day is special, wonderful and amazing to TJ and to the Grandma, who shares a lot of each day with him.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Spring 2012
It's hard to believe that it is 2012. I remember anticipating 1976 - the bicentennial year. 1776-1976 There were many years that I looked forward to and dreaded the BIG 2000. That year was special for the obvious reasons and it marked my 1/2 century birthday. I can think back to when I was a kid thinking 'WOW I'll be 50 in 2000'! Well here it is already 2012. I applied for Social Security as soon as I was eligible. My first check will enter by bank account the 3rd Wednesday in May. There are silver linings to getting older. And not so 'silver linings', my Dad at 87 has had Alzheimer's for a couple of years. Let's hope I didn't get THAT gene. If I do, let's hope I don't notice.
Monday, April 16, 2012
15 Months............................later.
Well a lot has happened in the 15 months since I last blogged. I'm not sure, but I think, living with my son and daughter in law [I now live in a small apartment] put a spell on my blogging. That or I was lazy. I did turn some my early blogs into a book for each grandson. I'm happy living alone, if you can call one dog, one cat and seven birds [three cages] alone. I'm not a fan of TV and the birds add a cheerful noise. Today the female canary is sitting in the seed dish fluttering her feathers, while her male cage mate is feeding her. I don't know what he could be feeding her, since she has her fluffy feathered self hiding all the food. Ah spring..........all of life seems to be trying to reproduce. I found tree seedling in the playground wood chips, and explained to TJ that great big trees sent seeds down to the ground, trying to start a new tree. After lunch, TJ and Lily had a bath...........not together, just at the same time [Lily in the shower next to the tub]. TJ had fun painting the tub and himself with some washable [sort of] paint. He is still a little pink on belly and chest. Potty training is a topic now. TJ was naked on the deck after his successful art project, and I told him 'no peeing on the deck'. Soon I heard him say 'no peeing on the deck' so I told him to pee on a bush near the deck. SUCCESS!!!!
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