Sunday, May 9, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Clearing out 40 years of accumulation takes time. Today I sold the last piece of furniture I had left. I sold everything.......if it doesn't fit in two cars [my sister is following me to NC], it's not going. For some reason, the accouterments and paraphernalia of making a home have given me a sense of claustrophobia. Moving to NC has given me the chance to lighten my life and free myself from too much stuff. Our society is a consumer driven one. Buy, buy, buy, shop, shop, shop, spend, spend, spend. I used to look at wealthy people as inspiration; now I wonder why I was misguided in thinking that to have more was a good thing. If you look long and closely at what is really NEEDED to live, maybe you will find that you have more than enough stuff. Nothing that I have sold or given away makes me sad. I will miss my family and friends.....NOT my stuff. 7 days until departure.

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