Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Learn .........from the PAST.
Dream .......about the FUTURE.
Live ...........in the PRESENT everyday is a gift.

Count ........your blessings.

Share.........your fortune with worthy causes; more stuff will not make you happy.

Act .............like someone besides you is important.

Give ...........kindness, respect, empathy.

Say.............a complement to someone everyday.

Walk...........outside everyday [adopt a dog].

Eat..............in moderation.

Vote..........many people don't have that right.


Don't..........watch TV ...... read, call a lonely friend, garden, do puzzles, take a bubble bath, plant a tree, walk the dog, clean house, read to someone, wash the car, organize, volunteer,
invite someone over, sell stuff on ebay, get a hobby, go bowling [it's smoke free now],

Learn.........something new everyday!

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