Monday, May 31, 2010

Landed in NC

It has been two hectic weeks moving and settling into my new rental house. I am blessed to live next door to my son, daughter-in-law and baby. Lily [my dog] and I have established a routine of going for a walk everyday. We wait for the sun to go down, so it is not so hot. There are green trees everywhere, frogs singing and not much traffic. I'm thinking I have landed in heaven. My Granny Nanny job officially starts Thur. June 3rd. Today I started a journal about baby TJ. I wrote one for Jim when he was a little older [infants don't do a whole lot] but, it will help Mom & Dad know what their baby TJ does all day while they are working hard. I have the best job in the whole world.............Granny Nanny.

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