Friday, January 28, 2011


TJ's Dr. visit resulted in 'elective' surgery for his enlarged growth on his belly button. Nothing amiss, just not a good clamping when his umbilical cord was severed. The surgeon recommended waiting until April after TJ turns one. Less risk of anesthesia if past 1 year old. Still on the medical wrist feels 99% better since I had the cortisone shot Jan 4th. Now I would like a cortisone shot in my right knee [only hurts to kneel on it - I know - don't kneel on it] and my right hip. The knee is not new, but the hip thing is. On a brighter note, I slept like shit last night, [coffee at 9:30pm] but was up at 3:45 am writing children's books. As I noted on 'Facebook' I have written 17 children's picture books. I'm also on my fourth painting. Rock on!

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