Sunday, January 16, 2011

It feels like spring.

Jeans and sweatshirt weather; I luv it! 50* weather and warming up more during the week. I don't know why everyone doesn't live in NC, but I'm really glad they don't...think of the traffic. My business cards came in Saturday....They say: GrannyNannyGG - babysitting evenings and weekends. Maybe I'll make a few bucks and get out of Tim and Ann's hair for a few hours. It can't be easy to live with your matter how much you love her. It's tough enough to live with the opposite sex. Necessity is the mother of invention. I know it doesn't have anything to do with having your husband's mother living under the same roof. I try to keep out of the way, give them space and keep my mouth shut; I'll have to work harder on the last item.

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