Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My son Tim hasn't found a job yet, so we share taking care of TJ. Tim cooks, shops, cleans, and does everything a stay at home parent needs to do. I help, do the laundry [I like to], make bottles, clean up the kitchen and entertain TJ. When I feed TJ a bottle, I have always sung 'The ants go marching......'. It helps put him to sleep. I sing 'It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood......' to him every morning. ' The 'Adams Family' song [with the finger snap] when he is sad. 'When the red red robin........' when we are out for a walk. ' The wheels on the bus....' when he does a fake cry. 'What makes that silly old ant......' when TJ needs entertaining. Also....'Mariann oh Mariann oh won't you........', 'This old man......', The noble Duke of York....', 'How much is that doggy...', and anything else that pops into my brain. I sing all the time.

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