Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Naps and Night time.

For the first time since I have been TJ's daycare/Grandma, TJ fell asleep for his nap on my chest/lap. Previously, he always fell asleep in my arms with a bottle, song and blanket. Then I would move him to a flat surface. Heaven forbid, if the bottle fell out. Unfortunately the bottle always in the mouth for a nap carried over to night. Now Tim has to sleep with TJ for anybody to get any sleep. What a tangled web of crying-bottle-sleep we have gotten ourselves into. There is hope for a nights sleep; TJ will be weened one day. Today - no blanket, no song, no bottle. He just asked to be picked up on my lap, faced me and put his head on my neck/chest and feel asleep for two hours [with me pinned under him] and Lily squeezing in; I forgot...I was sitting in the 'Lazy Boy' recliner rocker. The same one that I rocked Jay to sleep in - fourteen years ago.

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