Friday, February 11, 2011


Another cousin passed away. My mother and father had 4-5 siblings each. And my aunts and uncles had 4-5 children. So I have quite a few cousins. The first to pass away was a young adult. He was in a mental hospital. I can remember going to visit him. 20 or so years later, my brother committed suicide when he was 39. The third was a few years ago. He had cancer from smoking; slow suicide. Last week the fourth cousin died in his early 60's. I suppose now that we all are in our 60's that death will be more frequent in our lives. Sometimes I can't believe that I still have BOTH my parents. They are in their 80's now. It feels comforting that my children have had children and I will be fortunate if I get to live long enough to see my grandsons have children.

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