Sunday, February 20, 2011

page 2) 4-2-98

Today you asked me for 'broomas' . I said ' what do you want a broom for?' You took my finger [come on] took me into the kitchen to the fridge. I opened it and you took out the prunes!
When we were at Sarah's birthday [3-22-98] you were playing with a 4 piece fence that kept coming apart. When it would come apart, you would say ' what happened?'. This is a very mature sentence for a 2 year old.
You have been using the VCR for about 6 weeks. Mom says ' don't let him play with the VCR'.
You can put tapes [movies] in, eject them, push play, and rewind the parts that you want to see again. You like ' air bud', 'toy story', 'barney' and ' Thomas the train'.

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