Thursday, February 17, 2011


On my travels around Charlotte, I pass a bakery named Nona's. The sign out front says that they have over 100 different tempting items to separate you from your money. My curiosity got the best of me today [I'm trying to be 'white flour free'] and I stopped to inspect the premises. Now 'white flour free' means no cookies, bread and pastries unless it is 100 % whole wheat. I can guarantee that EVERYTHING in a bakery is made of bleached white flour with no nutritional value. How on earth did we survive growing up in the 50's???? Tang, Koolaid, Wonder or Tastee bread, jello and spam? Back to Nona's....$85. for a birthday cake, $.60 for a 1 inch cookie = $6.00 FOR 10! $2.50 for a SINGLE cupcake! Besides not going back because of my 'no white flour' stance; I can't afford to set foot in the door! I really knew before I went in that it was going to be a mistake. A long time ago, the first thing I noticed in a new place was the............bakery.

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