Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I like them. But I'm talking about baby naps [or lack there of]. TJ gets cranky around 10 am and is ready to be cuddled with a bottle and rocked to sleep. Heaven forbid that you should prematurely take the bottle out of his mouth [the babies on the bus go wa wa wa..........]. So I have to wait until he is deep asleep to remove the bottle. He really is only using it as a pacifier. I wish I could remember how I managed to get 2 ten month old babies [Jay & Kelli] to take naps. For the life of me, I can't remember. Tim & Dee didn't even have a bottle at 10 months; they gave them up at 9 months. HELP!!!! Even with a tired boy, a blanket, a bottle, rocking, and his nap song - 'The ants go marching.......' - I could not get TJ to conk out for an afternoon siesta. I'm flummoxed.

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