Monday, April 11, 2011

12 month check-up

Today was TJ's 12 month check up. He weighs - 24lbs 4oz. He 30 1/4 inches tall. 35% of 1 year olds are taller and 30 percent are heavyer. I think he's perfect. Sunday he said; " kitty, kitty, kitty." I was impressed. It came out so clear and I never heard it before. He said it all day. TJ will probably have trouble saying 'Lily' because of the 'L's. Maybe Dee has stats on Jay's one year old check up. I'll see. I'm going to put whatever I can remember of Tim and Dee when they were little. I do remember that Jay could tell you he was 1 year old. I think most children can tell you they are 2 [ before they are three]. Dee could talk in short sentences when she turned 1. Tim was 2 1/2 before he talked well, but he is the only one of my offspring that walked at 10 months. The rest were 1 before they toddled. TJ and I adventured out to a garage sale Friday. Actually, he was asleep in the car. He is easier to haul around because he can stand and walk. Friday night [late 9:30pm] I went to Tennessee with my neighbor/friend. We stopped [1:30am] in Knoxville to spend the night. Saturday morning we drove to Chatanooga to meet up with other Min Pin [dog] rescuers. They were all VERY nice. Then we returned to Charlotte the scenic [white water rafting] way. Sometimes spell check refuses to co-operate??????

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