Wednesday, April 6, 2011


TJ stirred pretend soup [Lily's empty water bowl & spoon] and pretended to eat it. His lips were smacking and he offered me some. [I showed him pretend food last week in the bath.] He is such a big boy....almost no crawling and he walked up the slide stairs by himself. TJ wanted me at the top of the 4 ft slide but, I would flip him over on his tummy and say; "feet first". He would push off and slide down landing on his feet at the bottom of the slide with a big smile. TJ walked from the slide to the steps 10 times today at the park. The last time I was not near the steps waiting for him. He just DID IT! I walk 1/2 mile to the playground which doesn't sound like much, but y0u should see the steep driveway and sidewalks I have to navigate - pushing a stroller, baby and hanging on to a dog. It's kind of downhill to the park and uphill on the way back. Then I have a steep driveway to push up up up up. You might think by the time I get to the park half my exercise is done - sorry to say most of my work/exercise is still ahead of me. Feel sad for me yet? I could go on and on and on.......

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