Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday TJ.

Cake, camera, family, candle, presents, new clothes and new balls...........everything perfect for a 1 year old precious boy. Wished we could have skipped the boogie nose. Life in NC is great. Missing Jay and Dee [they left this morning]. Jay was sullen this morning. Dee commented that his attitude was sullen everyday at home. I remember a girl [Dee] child of mine that got sullen when she was 10. It wasn't fun then and it's not fun now. I'm not sure why Dee thought it would be any different with HER teen. Wishful thinking? Dee has her dad's temperment [make a mountain out of a molehill] and Tim has mine [live and let live]. The weekend went way too fast. My cat is glad that Sophi [dog] went home with Dee. Today was a quiet day with TJ. We did go to the park, hoping that the stroller ride home would put TJ to sleep. No luck, the baby/child is running on one short nap from 11:A to 12:p. I feel like crawling into my bed with the clean sheets I just put on it. I luv my bedtime.

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