Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One week.

A WEEK has past since my last blog. I've been kinda pre-occupied with a red itchy rash all over my body. Looks terrible. The exterminator was here to look for bed bugs. Nada. I thought it might be poison ivy, but no tell tale blisters. I prayed that it wasn't 'scabies' but it sure looked like it might be, except 'scabies' is highly contagious...and no one else has it. When I took Lily to the vet to get her heart worm test, I asked the veterinarian if he could tell 'scabies' rash from poison ivy. He looked at my rash and said it's neither - it's probably 'chiggers'. Some of the other things about 'chiggers' he mentioned, were comparable to my rash. Thank you North Carolina! I have been gardening lately and chigger larva lives in the soil, but need human skin to mature. Google 'chiggers' for more detail. Bug spray on your skin and a shower after being in dirt, should prevent the buggers from sticking to your skin. [They don't burrow, they don't really bite for blood.] On a less itchy note...TJ is climbing, throwing, and falling a lot. He has beautiful blond curls on the back of his head. TJ is trying to talk and we can understand some of what he says. Today he said 'Lily" with lots of tongue action. I was surprised at such a young guy trying so hard to make a 'L' sound. Very Good TJ!

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