Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hard work aka I'm back.

Yes, I know, I have been ignoring my blog for too long. It's not easy to think of something to expound upon M-F. Sometimes aka MOST times, I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm going to write about until I'm sitting in front of a blank page. Even then it might take me a few minutes to THINK of something worth sharing. I could make this easy and write about all the cute things that TJ does but, I'm sure that might get stale after a month/year. I do want to mention [maybe I already did] that I turned my first year of blogging into a book; one for Jacob-one for TJ. I used real names in the book. I am very happy that it turned out well. So............mostly this blog is for Jacob and TJ. I'm sure I can think of some amusing things that happened since I last blogged. TJ is doing amazing after his surgery. TJ and Ann are flying to MI tomorrow to visit family. No excuses.......I have lots of time to blog during the upcoming week.

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