Friday, May 27, 2011

Quiet Friday

The family was in a flurry this morning getting ready to go to the airport and work/bike weekend. That sentence does not include me. I just get to enjoy the quiet. It thunder stormed off and on all day. Garage sale shopped, planned my WW [weight watcher] meals, organized, crocheted the blanket I'm making for 'big boy' TJ and did some light cleaning. Tomorrow more garage sales and yoga. I'm sure Ann and TJ are enjoying their visit to her parents house. "I miss you guys." TJ has been talking up a storm. He repeats a lot of what you say. This morning he looked thinner to me and Ann. I swore I wasn't going to repeat the shopping mistakes I made with Jay. "GG can I have......................??????" I just love buying my grandchildren what they want. This time I want to pretend that GG doesn't know where or how to get to the stores. Let his parents buy him want he wants. I buy balls at garage sales.

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