Monday, June 21, 2010

TJ fell asleep sitting in an upright position on the couch this morning. He had had a bottle @ 5:30 am and was awake when I arrived @ 7:00 am. He played and pooped till 7:45; diaper changed, I sat him on the couch [supported by pillows] with me in front of him on the floor. I started playing classical music for his AM nap last wee; so I turned on the computer to listen to music with him and he fell asleep SITTING UP. I laid him on his side and continued the music. Classical is not the only choice of music; I sing to TJ, listen to kids songs [Addams Family Theme is a good one] and even play some rock & Johnny Cash [Walk the line, Ring of fire and my favorite "Ghost Riders in the sky"] When my own mother was singing, I knew that she was in a good mood. Music separates us from other animals [other animals dance]. Music and singing are good for the soul, used for therapy, helps us remember things and elevates us from other mammals. SO Sing -be happy!

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