Saturday, June 5, 2010


Here are my ramblings about my first two days as TJ's Granny Nanny; as you may have read, every time TJ cried Thursday I unsuccessfully stuck a bottle in his mouth; two ounces in - one ounce back on GG. Friday I was determined to see if anything was wrong BEFORE I offered dinner. Food was going to be the LAST thing on a long list of other possibilities.......wet, hot, cold, gassy, burp caught sideways, sleepy etc. Friday was a LONG day trying to play -"Guess what's wrong with the Baby" Game and I hate to admit using the plug [pacifier] more than I like/want to. TJ doesn't fuss unless s o m e t h i n g is wrong. On a positive note meals were 4-5 oz instead of 2. But still, why does so much milk EXIT from the orifice that is supposed to be a one way street? If we can put a man on the moon........?????? Can someone PLEASE figure out a way to prevent GURPS [burps with milk in them]. I know; compared to night feedings, colic, and toxic poopy diapers, GURPS are a minor inconvenience. On a gooshy note, TJ touched his Mama's face on purpose Friday and looked straight into her eyes......she melted. Sat AM TJ's parents are biking. I'm over till Ann gets home..........then Garage sales!

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