Thursday, June 17, 2010

Don't know.

When I sit down to write my blog, sometimes I don't know what I'm going to write today. I was going to force myself to write Tuesday (I didn't feel like blogging), but the computer was dizzy. I didn't write yesterday, because Ann had the day off.......which left no time to sit at her computer [I don't have one.....I left it in Michigan with my very smart, handsome, kind, wonderful (I miss him) grandson, Jim. I love my new job of taking care of 2 month old TJ, but I wish Jim was here to kiss and hug and tell him how proud of him I am. Texting helps ease the ache [talking on the phone to Jim makes me cry]. I am proud of both my children. They are sunshine to me. It feels like I will live forever, because my genes/DNA are in my children and grandchildren and hopefully great grandchildren. I have no idea what it feels like to be childless. So I can't say that offspring wouldn't matter. And asking a childless adult the question, would be like eating a great dinner and telling someone that they would ABSOLUTELY love it. We're all different and it would be a boring world to be if we weren't. I think immortally is having heirs.

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