Thursday, June 3, 2010

First Day Granny Nanny

Well you're probably wondering how my very first day of grandson care is going. It's 3:31 pm Tim comes home first @ 4pm. Now remember that I didn't have baby grandson Jim until his Dee went back to work when he was 6 1/2 months old. And remember that was 14 years ago and I was 46 - a VERY YOUNG grandma. I must admit I've had two weeks to practice baby care with TJ but, today was my inaugural to 6 years of granny nanny - I failed at two crying secessions [this morning]. What I thought was hunger both times, turned out to be a overheated baby from the stroller and a wet baby [commando style]. Milk that is not really needed/wanted ends right back on my clothes. The rest of the day was awesome... I managed to guess the next two and only crying jags as hunger wooohooo. I have the best job in the whole world. It pays in smiles and cooing right now, which is way more precious than money.

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