Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My sister

My younger sister [Tina] just had her first grandchild 2 months before TJ was born. She is also "Granny Nanny" to her granddaughter. We shared 'child rearing' and now we share ' grandchild care'. Tina [Oma] quite a rewarding job to 'day care' Nina. Nina was due 4 weeks before TJ but, was born early. While Tina has a husband to minister to also, I am divorced, in a new state - NC, and live right next door to my son - father of TJ. My every moment is devoted to TJ, my Michigan family, Lily my dog, garage sales and watering plants. I wish Tina were physically closer, but email, texting, and cell phone pictures keep us connected. Tina is the woman I would most like to be like. She is 5 years younger and 5 years more liberated than I am/was. Tina doesn't have a mean bone in her body and wisdom that makes life easier to handle. She is my Dr. Laura, Dr Phil, Dr. Schweitzer and Dr. Spock all in a female body. Nature, environment and family are important to her. I hope she is as happy taking care of her 'Nina" as I am taking care of 'TJ'. I love you, Tina!

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