Friday, June 11, 2010

A step back...........

It's Friday again already. TJ had a 2 month check up/shots on Monday; Ann took off work to take him and I dragged me and the diaper bag along. Tuesday Ann called into work ill, [tummy trouble] Wednesday was a scheduled day off; which brings us to Thursday. I was anti-blog Thursday, but as you can see I'm blogging today. Everyday starts off at 5:30 AM; shoes on, leash Lily and were off for a hour enjoying the cool NC morning and watching the sun rise. We do this for physical and mental health [well my mental health, I think Lily's mental is good.] It's a bit of a drag getting up so early, but I go to bed earlier; what's to do after 9pm anyway? Back to Monday....TJ was in the 90% for weight, 50% for length, and 30% for head circumference. He rolled onto his side just when doc said " be careful, babies will surprise you." It looked scripted. TJ [Hoover] was up to 8 ozs of formula, but a large amount would be returned. Since he is 90% in weight, we are going back to 4 ozs with rice at a slower pace to see if that will keep the cost of formula down. So far it's working!

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