Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6 more days.

I had planned to put my 'moving sale' signs up today [Wednesday] but, the rain would turn them back into pulp. Nothing much has been done to get things ready to move. After the yard sale, I will be inspired to pack more. When I needed something to hold all Jim's mementos in, I choose an unused suitcase...the kind old enough not to have wheels. Tim put that very kind of suitcase in the moving sale. I think I will snatch it and fill it [instead of a box] for moving. Then I can start filling it with mementos of TJ's. He already has newborn clothes and soon baby toys to put in it. Ann will probably save the things that are important to her - too. When I left Jim's mementos with Dee, Jim said " I don't want that junk". we know that when he is much older and/or has kids of his own, he will be very glad GG and Mom saved his childhood things. He's not far enough out of childhood to appreciate mementos.

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