Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adult beverage,

Forgot to post last night [see Title]. I slept like a log [who said 'slept like a baby' NEVER lived with a baby] and woke up happy..... nice vodka. Hey, I mixed it with organic carrot juice and apple cider. Speaking of cider, reminds me of Cider Mills, reminds me of carmel apples with peanuts. Apparently NC hasn't figure out that carmel apples are to die for. They do make candied apples, yuck! The family went out for Mexican dinner last night, and I had the whole house to myself. Did I mention that I'm totally deaf in one ear and hear acutely in the other. Houses with people, have family noise. It's nice to be in a house with family - it's nice when I'm home alone. We have enjoyed the 'greenway' every day. We may have rushed into renting this house....the exact same house is 'for rent' across the street and has a fenced backyard for Lily, a FLAT driveway for [our driveway is VERY steep] me and a deck for Ann.

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