Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat?

Another Halloween has come and gone. This was TJ's first and Jim's 14th. I didn't have very many goblins come to my door and there weren't a lot [50%] of houses with lights on. Still, I like everything about Halloween. I like the pretend/dress-up for the kids, the decorations and the candy. Seems to me that we got full size chocolate bars when I was a goblin. A full size bar was 5 cents way back then. And a new car was $3,500. Snack size and fun size bars were not invented yet. Now cars cost 20k plus and chocolate bars are around a dollar. Were we over indulged? Was 5 cents a BIG deal in the late 50's early 60's? If I knew I would get so few kids, I would have splurged and given each character TWO candies. It seems cozy to light up the dark winter nights. Down come the Halloween lights - up go the Christmas lights. Very festive and cheerful. I think people should leave their holiday lights/decorations up all of January to cheer up the winter. My NC family does NOT celebrate Christmas. I'm not sure if I'll decorate a tree in my bedroom or not. Check back later and see.

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