Monday, November 8, 2010

Last Monday in Garner.

Nobody had to get up with the alarm clock today. It felt fantastic to sleep in, even if it was only 1/2 an hour. Tim loaded his truck with left over garage sale things and we took them to an animal charity. Then we stopped at Kroger's for the great egg boxes with the cut out handles and just the right size. I did laundry and sent my eBay items off to all parts of the US. Lily got her daily walk. While I was looking for something in my paperwork, I decided to sort and file things. Then dinner [broccoli] with Tim and Ann. I cleaned the kitchen up, sang to TJ and massaged Ann's neck/shoulders. Ann did my right shoulder/arm before I did her. She has had some massage therapy classes and knows a lot. Now watching "Million Dollar Baby" with a very gravely voiced Clint Eastwood. His voice is so strained that it sounds like it hurts to talk. Tomorrow the moving truck is arriving at 8am. My job will be watching TJ while his parents load the truck [I think Ann will need another neck/shoulder massage]. More muscles coming at 10am.

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