Friday, November 12, 2010


We made it! Despite somehow getting lost and ending up driving East [Charlotte is West of Raleigh] on I40 [right highway] and ADDING 1 1/2 hours to the 3 hour drive, I made it! I had the baby, a shaking/panting dog and a cat that meowed most of the way. I did it without any stops. The good part is that I drove through some of the most beautiful NC country. My GPS took me through what seemed like a fall painting. Priceless. The new house is as beautiful as I remember. There is a 'Green way' near here that we walked last evening. I'm sitting in front of the fireplace that I will use next month. Life is good. Count your blessings....... you just may have so many that you don't/won't have time to wish for the things that you don't have.

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