Thursday, March 31, 2011

Poor little guy.

TJ has had a cold for 5 days. He can't breath well and is tired of having three giants chasing him around with tissue. [The giants are tired of slimy snot]. The doorbell rang, Lily barked her piercing bark that woke the napping baby, who cried wretchedly because he was not ready for an abbreviated nap. Sometimes he wakes up happy and sometimes he is inconsolable for a brief period of time. Most times he shakes off the twilight feel, if he see a ball. All day long we hear B - ball. Ann asked him what his favorite letter was......he said B. Today I asked him to put the small metal truck into the baby shoe. Done!! Score!!! In less than 24 hours I will have my arms full of Jay and Dee. It will so great! I probably won't sleep well tonight....too excited. I wish Jay would call or text me every other day. Teenagers!

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