Sunday, July 15, 2012

Page 25) Oct. 19, 1999

Twice this week, when Kelli went for a nap, you wanted to read [tell] the stories to her.  You 'read' 'Just A Rainy Day' 'Just A Nap' ' I Just Forgot' 'All By Myself' 'The New Potty' all by Mercer Mayer.  I am so proud of you.  You are Grandma's wonderful boy!
When I lick my finger to clean your face, you wipe off the wet spot and say "parasite". I about cracked up the first time I heard you say 'parasite.'
One day at preschool we were waiting with the children and mothers in the lobby.  Kenzie with toy gun, "see."  Replied GG, "your teacher is going to yell at you for bringing a gun to school." You sat quietly, thinking for a minute, "my teacher is not a screamer."  All the moms were very surprised at your answer and one even said, "boy is he smart!"
Mama was talking a long time on the phone to GG and you wanted to talk to me.  She kept saying "wait." you cried a whole 30 minutes.  When she finally gave you the phone you were sobbing, " Grandma, Grandma, will, will you buy me a guitar?"  "Yes sweetheart, I will."  [I did].
Oct, 21 1999
Today we were playing baseball. I was the batter and you were the pitcher pretending to be 'Henry Rowengartner' from the movie 'The Rookie'.  Your pitching is getting great. I hit a line drive right to your mouth.  "Grandma!" you cried.  I hugged and kissed you and told you I was sorry.  You were sitting on my lap and said, "Henry Rowengartner is crying."  Such a precious boy!
Nov. 13, 1999
This morning you told me," if Kit Kit falls out of the window [upstairs], I will jump out the window and throw her back up.  Then I will run around the house to the door and call 'Grandma'."
Nov 1, 1999
You started 'Montessori' school this morning.  You go Mon, Wed, & Fri.  You like having two schools.  'Topsy Toddler' co-op preschool Tues & Thur.
At 3 1/2 you like baseball, football, hockey, soccer, golf, trains, 'Blue's Clues', 'Pokamon', Beanie Babies', your Silky, mac & cheese, candy, cats, tennis, the computer, Charles Stumpf, Leann Beals, Dallas, Karly, Mrs. Oats, singing, the guitar, and 'Teletubbies'.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

My brain just doesn't want to think very hard.

You would think that anyone who 'thinks' all day, would be able to put a few words down on paper. 
Just start putting one word after another and pretty soon, you might have something to share.  Of course, if I wanted to complain, I would have plenty to say.  I could just start listing the things that I'm thankful for, but I'm too lazy to do that.  I know, I'll just start with what I did so far today, and maybe that will lead to something profound to write about.  Today is Saturday.  My cat was digging at my covers with his front paws, just past 6 o'clock this morning, trying to wake me up. I can't imagine what in the world is so important to a cat at 6ish in the morning, that wouldn't/couldn't wait until 7ish to wake me up for.  Anyway, I'm awake and need to go to the bathroom.  Thank goodness I didn't drink all the cold coffee in my cup last night, because it sure was tasty this morning and I didn't have to wait for the coffee maker to s  l  o  w  l  y spit out caffeine.  Grab the coffee, leash Lily dog and parade in front of my apartment whispering "potty Lily potty Lily" to a very obstinate dog.  I have never experienced a dog that didn't pee the minute it's paws touched the grass.  What is her problem?  She sniffs and sniffs and sniffs every single blade of grass [while I'm chanting 'good girl - good girl hoping to speed up the infernal process] to find the 'perfect' one to christen.   Finally, she has granted me my wish and has relieved herself. We run upstairs to get the all important 'treat' that makes life worth living. After double checking on 'craigslist' - GARAGE SALE 7AM, I grab a few raspberries, ignore the bird tasks and take my $20.00 and head out to the first yard sale.  My hobby is yard saleing. There are so many treasures to find and so little time to find them.  Garage sales in NC are one day only and from 7am to noon. That's it.....For the whole week. I have to wait seven more days to find treasures.  Today I bought TJ a 'Wonder Pet' flying boat with all the characters for $2.00.  Until yesterday, I didn't even know what 'Wonder Pets' was.  I bought pencils and paper for the YMCA summer camp.  Sometimes TJ goes to 'play room' while I pedal a stationary  I bought a book that looks like a 1950's vintage girl's cook book.  I hope it sell on 'Ebay" for $10.00.  The $1.00 GI JOE I bought last week has a $10.00 bid on it [free shipping].  Let's hope more than one person would like to have it.  That would send the bid higher. I bought a $2.00 pair of kids cowboy boots that sold for $27.56.  It pays to have a hobby [yard saleing] that puts spending money in my pocket.  There is also a used/resale book store near here, that buys books, DVDs, CDs and such.  Dang, I was so hungry [I was to meet my friend at 9 AM for breakfast] that I bought a homemade zucchini, pecan chocolate chip muffin at yard sale.  YUM

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Page 24) June 18, 1999

Today we play 'go fish' with Rekha.  You play as well as a six year old. I'm very proud of you for learning how to play cards at 3 years old.
July 1999
We were playing 'go fish' today and you said,' GG, do you have a '9'?"  "Sorry, go fish," I said.  "Let me see your cards," you said. "No," I said.  "It's a secret."  "Please, let me see your cards." You didn't believe me that I didn't have a nine in my hand.
Aug 1999
We went on vacation together 'up north' at Mullet Lake.  You didn't want to go on vacation because you didn't know what 'vacation' was.  We stayed with Aunt Kathryn, Uncle Craig, Devin and Rekha.  One day we drove through Mackinaw City over the 'Mighty Mac Bridge' and crossed the U.P. to Soo Saint Marie to see the 'Soo Locks'. We took a boat through the Locks.  We had a great time on vacation and you wanted to stay. K-mart called while we were on vacation.  They wanted you for a modeling job.
Sept. 1999
You have a big bruise on your forehead, so I call your mom at work.  She gets the ok to take you to emergency.
GG, "we have to get dressed so we can go and see your mom."
K, "at work?"
GG, " no, at the hospital."
K, "what's wrong with my mom?"
GG, "nothing sweety, we need to take a picture [x-ray] of you head."
K, "I don't want a picture of my head."
You are my very precious boy!
Sept 1999
You recognize all your numbers with a little help, 87,56,28,92 etc.
You help GG grocery shop.
GG, " don't drop the apples into the cart."
Sports are your favorite thing.
"Kenzie, what did you like best about your vacation?"
K, " football, basketball, tennis, baseball."
The bigger - harder the baseball bat, the more you like it.
Mom lined up all your video movie tapes on top of my dresser. You were choosing one to watch [from about ten].  "GG, 'Parent Trap' is backward."  You noticed that one title was facing in a different direction.
You and I were playing baseball and I was the batter and you were the pitcher.  I hit a long high ball over your head and you said "what a woman!" LOL
You and Kelli start 'pre-school' this month.  "GG, may we walk to school?"
The first day we drove because we had so much stuff.  Your teacher is 'Mrs. Oats'
We went to 'railroad days' at Greenfield Village again the year.  This is a very special event for you.

Friday, July 6, 2012

" My diaper is crooked'

TJ can say the funniest things.  I probably can't remember most of them, although I'm trying to jot them down on my cell phone and send them to his parents.  I'm worried that TJ will be upset that
I'm am going on a trip for ten days.  Thank goodness he is used to the idea that he doesn't see me on the weekends.  TJ's parents need family time with their son without my being around adding my two cents worth.  I wrote TJ a note explaining where I will be and what I will be doing.  I'm hoping that Tom or Jes will mark off the days I'm gone on a calendar, for a visual aid.  TJ can count objects, so he will be able to count the days left until I come home.  I'm sure it will seem like I am away for a couple of months. I will call him every day to tell him that I love him. TJ gave my car [the Mercury] a big hug today.  [He gave 'Miss Allison' the library story teller, a big hug and he wanted to kiss the dental receptionist good bye.] We talk about the Mercury like she is a good friend.  " Let's park the 'Mercury' in the shade so she will be cooler," I'll say to TJ. I like to scratch TJ's back every day.  He sees me using a back scratcher.  TJ asked me to help him use the scratcher.  I said, " you have a GG to scratch your back, GG doesn't have a GG to scratch her back."  So he tried to stick the scratcher down my shirt back. LOL We are learning 'opposites' this week. He is trying to read Bathtime for Biscuit.  Probably more memory than reading, but we are pointing out and spelling the words.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Book.... 'Torin's Day'

It's 7 o'clock in the morning.........TJ wakes up, climbs out of his big boy bed and toddles into his parents room. “Good morning Sunshine” says his Mommy. She picks him up and gives him the biggest bear hug ever.

It's 8 o'clock in the morning.........Time for breakfast. TJ is sitting in his big boy chair in the kitchen, watching his Daddy make pancakes.  “Lots of butter on my cakes, please”, says TJ.  “I love you Hunny Bunny”, says Mommy when she leaves for work. “Have a nice day Mommy” says TJ.

It's 9 o'clock in the morning.........Time for Grandma GG to come over and play with TJ.  “Good morning GG!” shouts TJ.

It's 10 o'clock in the morning.........Time to go to the park.  “Say good bye to Daddy TJ; he has to go to work.” says GG.  “I love Daddy!” shouts TJ.  “Lets rock and roll” says GG.  “Do you want to play at the blue park or the tree house first?” asks GG. No Reply…

It's 11 o'clock in the morning.........Time for snack. “Let's eat at the picnic table” says GG to TJ. We have grapes, juice, cheese and crackers. “Yum” says TJ.

It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon.........Time for lunch.  "Would you like peanut butter and jelly?” GG asks TJ.  “Yes, please”, says TJ.

It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon.........Time for a bike ride. “Push those pedals! Push those pedals! Right, left, right, left!” shouts GG. 

It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon.........“Hunny Bunny, climb into your car seat so you can take a nap”  says GG.  The only way to get TJ to take a nap is to drive him around.  When he has fallen asleep, GG drives TJ home and carries him into the house.

It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon.........Now both TJ and GG are sleeping.

It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon.........Time for another snack. “I'm hungry” says TJ.  “Let's get a popsicle and go on the deck” answers GG.

It's 5 o'clock in the evening.........Time for Mama to come home from work.  “Mama I missed you!” exclaims TJ when his Mommy gets home.

It's 6 o'clock in the evening.........Time for dinner. Mom asks TJ, "do you want Macaroni and cheese for dinner?" "Alright," answers TJ. "TJ," says Mom, "It's, 'yes please or no thank you." "Alright," says TJ.

It's 7 o'clock in the evening.........Time for a bath, pajamas and a movie. “Hi Daddy!” shouts TJ when his dad comes home from work.

It’s 8 o'clock in the evening.........Time for bed and a good book. “Please read Things That Go” says TJ.

It’s 8 fifteen in the evening.........Time for love and kisses.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Mama!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Daddy!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Grandma GG!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Grandma MeMaw!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Papa Bill!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Papa Dave!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Aunt Sandy!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Aunt Sarah!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Aunt Lindsey!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Uncle Chad!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Uncle Derek!” TJ replies.

“Who loves

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Page 23) March 2, 1999

Today your mom misunderstood something I said to her and she crabbed at me.  You told her "don't talk to my Grandma like that, it's not nice".  Thank you Kenzie.
March 8th
You looked at your bare tummy today and said, "I'm brown".
March 20th
We [Rekha, GG & you] were in McDonalds for dinner [french fries] and you had to go potty. You left the play area and marched to the restroom singing...."I have to go potty, I have to go potty, I have to go potty".
I was drying your new pajamas with the hairdryer, while they were on you.  The clothes dryer hadn't quite get the crotch dry. I pulled the material away from your crotch but accidentally pinched your penis..."ouch!" you said.
  "I'm sorry" I said. "I'll give you a kiss" and kissed your cheek.  "no Grandma, kiss my penis" and you started to unzip your PJs right down to the crotch and exposed your penis. You are such a preciuos boy.  I will love you forever.
We were playing with plastic easter eggs and we discussed the color peach and lavendar.
April 4th Happy Easter
Today you walked on your toes, curled under, just like Uncle Conan [my brother] did when he was little.
Kenzie, "Grandma, I want a piece of candy". GG, "no Kenzie". K, "why?" GG, "because you need real food first". K, " I don't like real food, I like candy". GG, "N-O spells no". K, "A-B-C yes".
April 19th
What a wonderful, beautiful, kind boy you are.  You say your name is 'Jason'. We play baseball in the living room with a soft ball.  You are a great hitter and pitcher.  When the ball rolls down the stairs, I tell you go get it because your legs are younger than mine. K, "I can't, I have a bone in my leg".
Aunt Kathryn was picking you up by the ears, covering them up, Kenzie, "I can't talk".
May 15th
You are Grandma's special boy.  I brought up the trampoline from the basement to the living room, because you love to jump on everything.  I was singing and you were bouncing and turning and you said, " bouncing makes me happy". You are a happy cheerful boy, always singing; 'she sailed away', 'I love you' [Barney], 'Pop goes the weasel' and 'this old man' etc.